The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

Folks keep bringing up “fixing” their animations but I want to just clarify that the blizz post said “updating” not fixing, not changing, not altering. Their animations aren’t likely to change, so if you don’t like their casting animations for example, don’t get your hopes up for something different.

I mean, I don’t know about the males, but the females were just broken. Broken arm joints, broken…everything really lmao. I really do hope they’re making up for lost time and are correcting the abomination of a rushjob they released back in Cata. Hope is all we got homie.

I am surprised they didn’t think of this when they implemented the latest transmog changes.

Would definitely be cool.

Ah, I clearly misunderstood what you meant, my bad. Some of my friends have gon above and beyond what blizzard likely meant when they said updated animations, but yes. Fixing the twisting arms, dislocated shoulders, and disappearing asses that the models currently have should (and probably will) be included with the update.

pro for me my female worgen will stop looking like an angry chihuahua
con for me I hate the eyes for females. Far too cute looking for a were wolf.

Looks way too cartoony. I hope we can toggle them on and off.

They actually look like those people who wear animation animal heads. Ruined

No furries on my screen.

Oh god, I hope they aren’t wanting the windup cast removed. I love that casting animation. It’s so different.

I may have to add a worgen Druid to my Druid gang.

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Blizzard has really taken Warcraft away from cool to cute. I have issues with that but I can’t fault the worgen updates. As far as what WoW is now, it look great.

Howlback, that model on your icon looks so much more feral and menacing.

It will be missed.

I’ll still be scary on the inside. I will make people fear me despite wanting to give me cuddles.

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I hope there’s some fierce faces in the mix. My favorite werewolf model has to be from Skyrim and they were not cute, lol :smirk::star2::herb::wolf:

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What if they give Worgen the customization option of having Feral Worgen scar marks? Like claws across the face, arm, etc etc?


No thanks, worgen we are and worgen we shall remain. The only time I’ve ever shifted is by accident.

I am, however, looking forward to far fewer bills from my chiropractor.


I just have a different opinion.
Tbh, I see no major difference, the graphics are better, that’s cool. But I can safely say the new male model is miles better to the female one, but this is also true for the cata models.

Maybe I just expected more when I shouldn’t have, I don’t know.

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Cool :sunglasses:. At least one made it out :smile:.

So, when are these beauties gonna be on the PTR for us to look at? I thought it was going to be today since reset, but I was wrong. :<

Why no tails?!? They should have tails damn it!

Happy now? :smiley:

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