The new character select is superior

Im sure they will keep realms, but it will just be like a last name formality. Now you can search all the realms and find your perfect name available somewhere.


I love how i can organize characters hoever i want now.

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My only annoyance, aside from having to re-order everything the way I like it, was now my alliance and horde are all on one big list. I have them on separate servers and when the campsite was first introduced I was looking forward to having my four alliance and four horde on different ones, but now I canā€™t do that. Thatā€™s just a me thing though, and thatā€™s fine, but nothing wrong with me being bummed about it. I liked having my horde and alliance away from each other, meh.

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Iā€™d like the option to sort by multiple criteria.

Criterion 1: server
Criterion 2: level
Criterion 3: faction

At the same time.

I had each server sorted by level, main on top, then in order of level, separated into horde and alliance.

Thought Iā€™m thinking about deleting a large number of alts I no longer play. Like, a gross amount of them.



I had over 60 characters.

Reordering that shiznit will take ages.


For the first few days I really disliked the new layout.

After reorganizing my list, Iā€™m starting to get used to it and actually find myself quite liking it.

I do wish there were some form of organization to filter by realm, name, class without having to do it manually. Having the title of the realm name to break up the list but still keep it one long list would make it better.

It is nice not having to click the switch realms to access a character on a different realm, love that part most.


I have 48. It took less than 15 minutes for me to organize the list.

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Too long.

I got better things to do.

Give us sort options.

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Iā€™m assuming youā€™re OP otherwise thatā€™d be a strange coincidence,.

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Those are all good ideas. I think the new char select is good in theoryu but itā€™s just a foundation. It needs more features to be good in practice. All of these are good. I also think it should list a characters ilvl.

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This is might be true, however since realms still do exist how does it makes sense to make them harder to deal with? They still use the same realm select window. Clicking on ā€œFeathermoon 12ā€ seems to imply Iā€™m going to see my 12 characters on Feathermoon. But, no Iā€™m sent back to same list with all characters. There isnā€™t any indication of which realm iā€™m on! This is basic interface design. As long as Realm is relevant to character selection it should be right there on the screen, and itā€™s not like there isnā€™t room for it. Itā€™s incompetent.

I know there are still people who care about realm distinction. I personally donā€™t care anymore as most of my friends quit a while ago. If realms arenā€™t supposed to matter, and they canā€™t get the cross realm stuff working, then realm transfers should be free until realms are completely done away with, but of course those are not without problems.

Yes I know youā€™re trolling.

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Aside from moving characters up and down on the list, IŹ»m not sure of any other customizations.
WeŹ»ve been able to move characters up and down the lists for years now

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The Search Filter is handy. Just wished ā€œRealmā€ was included, as well.

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there is a ā€œrealmā€ tab at the top but i donŹ»t notice anything special when i click it. maybe im not paying attention

Correct, clicking on the Realms does nothing. What Iā€™m saying is the Search Feature SHOULD INCLUDE a filter called ā€œrealmā€. 'Cause you can filter out your list by ā€œcharacter nameā€, ā€œlevelsā€, ā€œprofessionsā€, etc. But, not ā€œrealmā€. Iā€™m SUGGESTING ā€œrealmā€ be INCLUDED in the Search Bar feature.


All this changes now is what realm a new character gets created on.

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Yes a realm toggle would help because i have certain characters on connected realms i may want to get access to without scrolling through every lvl60-70 character i own


Send an in-game suggestion about it. I did already. Just need more back-up to flood Blizz with this superior suggestion.

Or how about adding the realm on the character tile on the selection screen? That simple change would (sadly) be a HUGE improvement.

Either way, works for me. I wouldnā€™t mind enhancing their new Search Bar, though. Might as well make it, IDK properly Search for our characters? :woman_shrugging: