The new character select is superior

Yeah, add tags, so I can chain multiple filters together and do things like “realm=illidan class=deathknight” etc.

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The realm feature is only used to what realm your character is considered to be on for the sake of names.

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tell us how you really feel, Ion…

Agreed 100%. Can’t believe how many people are complaining about this. It’s superior in almost every way. People realize you can search/filter/re-order things, right?

Oh wise one, how do I search by realm? I have some classes with up to 16 characters with the same name across multiple realms. How exactly do I find the one that’s on Illidan for example?

Before I just chose illidan, and there was my filter. Now I stare at a list of characters all named Bob that I can only distinguish by hovering over each one and reading a hard to read grey text.

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Apologies, I guess that’s one of the few ways it isn’t superior. I’m sure they’ll add additional sorting or filtering options soon.

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The search that is there is also very silly, it searches everything visible on the little tile each character has. There is a LOT of room for improvement.

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Doesn’t tickle my rp brain, the warbands selection screen has always been terrible

Agree. You don’t have a smooth brain. It’s a great first stab at it, and I’m eager to see how it improves from here. Obviously, I think we all wanted the mockup version we saw in the Dragonflight feature video last fall… maybe we’ll get there. We know we’ll have more backgrounds at least. For now, it’s a big step forward IMO. And for me personally, the improvements far outweigh the few downsides so far.

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To each their own, based on the outrage here on the forums, you’re in the minority. I’d much prefer the old way back.

You cannot search nor filter by “realm”, now.

Having to scroll sift through 50 characters is not optimal especially trying to get to the middle/end of the list.

All this will be fixed if “realm” was included in the “Search” feature.


yeah…no it didnt.

Well I’m guilty of that with at least 5 different variants of Moofurion (with alt codes) and a 6th on its way as I can’t think of anything else to use the boost on. Luckily mousing over the toon shows you their professions which is how I tell them apart.

With that said there were/are some valid complaints about the new UI and the ability to sort. While I love it I can see why others may not and like the dude once said thats just like your opinion man.


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I like having all my characters in a single list, I’ve been wishing for it for years. I would like to see filter/sort/group/scale/favourite improvements etc though.

Adding Realm to the search function (which is a no-brainer) and/or making it so that clicking Realms took you back to the legacy realm character select would solve the bulk of the complaints from people who use realms as a way to sort and silo their characters, especially after almost 20 years of creating alts with the same or similar names. I think it’s completely reasonable to allow people that option at the very least, if that is how they need to continue wrangling their alts. Why not? Especially when you can’t filter or group on the main character list now.

I do hope they revisit this and that we see improvements.

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I was upset when they allowed more than 10 per realm and I had to start scrolling period. The entire concept of having to scroll through to find what character I want is a mega turn off to me, and this now creates lists of 50+ characters for me to scroll through (because the search is basically worthless).

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It better be searchable because that’s the only way it works any more. And you’re right, some day soon this crap will have the game whittled down to one server.

I think a good tweak would be to allow us to create custom buckets that we can drag characters into and then expand/collapse those. A pvp bucket, a realm bucket, alliance/horde buckets, a gnome bucket.

That won’t happen, but it would be great.