The new character select is superior

That is a massive assumption.

Until Blizzard says they’re working on it, people unhappy with what it currently is are allowed to be and SHOULD be loud about it.


I will say, while I don’t have a problem with the Warband system, the combined character list is a decent issue to talk about; the biggest problem being that your characters are not separated by realm.

Personally, I don’t have very many characters so I just organized all of them by level minus the characters in my warband. It’s probably way more confusing for people who have 50+ characters or whatever the cap is now-a-days.

They should still have separate realms and you should be able to have a warband for each realm. I’m not sure how that would work entirely, and I’m sure there are players who would rather just have one warband per account, but I originally thought that warbands would be separated by realm because… why would our character lists be combined like this?

Anyway, doesn’t affect me personally too much, so I don’t mind it. Just a thought.

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Most of the unhappy comments are coming from players who don’t even know that they can search or reorder the list however they want. Most of that feedback is useless.

Yes they should have provided the realm filter out of the box since that’s how it was organized for most players for years.

A stupid oversight that I have no doubt will be hotfixed.

Realms, however, are going to not be a thing in the nearish future. It’s a dead paradigm.

I’d ask for a source, but we both know it doesn’t exist.

  1. Searching by Realms is necessary, but still not good enough as an organizational tool vs what we had before this update. For a ton of us, the issue is the massive sprawling consolidated list in general, which we want to be able to organize in better ways than moving characters up and down.
  2. Realms are definitely going to stick around. Blizzard is going through massive effort to allow things to function across realms rather than merging them or even “connecting” more of them. Queues are cross realm. Group Finder is cross realm. Communities are cross realm. Trade Goods on the AH are cross realm. Mythic Raid is cross realm (after a point). Now Guilds and Trading are cross realm. They would not bother with all of these cross-realm features if they intended to do away with the concept of realms entirely.

Edit: Aight, I’ll stop responding now, dude is looking for any excuse to not engage with conversation and just bump his thread with the same thing he already said. Was clear from the start he was trolling after coming here from one of the other threads anyway.


Realms are already mostly meaningless.

Most of the people I play with aren’t on my realms.

Most of my characters are in the same guild despite being from 5 different realms.

The writing is on the wall.


I like the new screen select! I don’t have 80 characters tho so I get some people having frustrations after organizing them how they liked before lol. That sucks a little. But for me it’s just a plus.

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Up until 4 days ago, this was only allowed if those realms were CONNECTED.

The writing is hardly on the wall.


I have 48 characters. It took me less than 15 min to organize them twice until I settled on ordering them by class, from most played to least played.

And I can easily search by name if I’m too lazy to scrolls the 1 second to find and click the one I want.


You can. Just drag a character into the Fav slot that you want in there instead of say, your bank alt. I imagine they did it based on most recently played just for implementation purposes. Easier to code and not a huge deal since you can go in an adjust the moment you log in.


I reorganized all my characters yesterday and they were scattered again the next time I logged on. If that gets fixed I’ll be ok with the new screen.


Yes 8 years ago I started moving my character by role type to connected realms.

Because the writing was on the wall that one day soon it wouldn’t matter at all.

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well said, new character selection screen is indeed, superior to the old.

They should however, have a realm filter at the very least.


Yeah, no.

There are some improvements that should happen to the character select screen. Being able to filter by realm would be well received, as would a more clear indication of what realm a character is based in.


… I don’t think you understand what is happening.

It does this as we speak.

Yes it should sort by realm. I’m confident this will happen soon.

Realms are a deprecated concept and there will come a time where it will be irrelevant to the player.


Both of these would definitely be welcome. The second being pretty simple as far as how to make it look. Do it like how a characters name is listed when they are on a different realm. I.e Arthùr-Hellscream lvl 62 DK instead of just Arthùr lvl 62 DK


Source, please. Because Blizzard said they aren’t going to mess up server communities, names, guild names, etc. They just want to make it easier to play cross realm.

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Agree. You can arrange your toons by realm if you want. Now i dont need to click on each of my realms to see who has mail.

I love the new interface. You can also move your toons out of the campfire if you want (down arrow).


Just adding to this.

Drag and drop also works if you’re moving a character into the 4 favorites that isn’t just a few slots down.