The new character select is superior

To the old one. It searchable, sortable, and can be customized however YOU want to organize your list. And with this new framework it can only get better.

Thank you Blizzard for this QoL improvement.

Yes they should have anticipated that player might want to sort by realm. This should be an easy hotfix so don’t get your panties all ruffled.

Keep it in mind that the entire concept of realms is going to disappear entirely. Everyone will EFFECTIVELY be playing on the same “realm” and the entire concept of choosing a server is going to be removed.

Also, if you spent 20 years naminging your characters



I’m incline to believe that some of the blame may be lying at your own feel.




So players are at fault for not foreseeing Blizzard’s horrible implementation of a combined character select screen. Fancy.


Trolling is right.

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Who you calling a troll?

Oh… yeah that’s me.

What about it?



I want to be able to search by realm.
I want to be able to sort by multiple keys/levels (Realm → Class → Character Level (High to Low) → Name (when multiple characters of same level), it’s how I sort my characters in the app I use to manage them).
I want to be able to create multiple groups.


Well you are going to get just that with this new framework.

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It tickles the RP part of my smooth brain to see four of my characters hanging out. I just wish they were hanging out somewhere more interesting than Azurespan.


I like it to, but I only have one of each class.

Its weird I feel the need to say only in that statement but some of y’all don’t go outside.

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Based on what? I haven’t seen them discuss any plans to increase the functionality of the character select screen past what we already have.

But, to be fair, I may have missed it. So, share a source if you have it.


Because programmatically it is a trivial operation in 2024.

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Have you been paying attention for 20 years? If all things that are “programmatically trivial” were implemented, we wouldn’t need AddOns. Unfortunately we can’t write AddOns for the character select screen, or we could fix this for them.


I do think it is extremely epic. However, I wish there were 5 slots in the warband. To give more of a Party Feeling.


I could agree to the in principle but they probably made an aesthetic choice to prevent clutter.

I don’t see this as something that couldn’t change in the future. Maybe even a that you could put more characters than 5. Time will tell.



I love seeing my small Undead army all sitting together.

One just wants to fight,one just wants to sit,the other looks like he wants to fight over the food in the frying pan…

I do wonder though what they are plotting.


My 4 favorites are the four Druids that I mainly play. One of each spec.

Sun and Moon!


There we go. This has more of a ring of truth to it.


I don’t care that much but of the 4 characters they put in my group 1 is a level 13 bank alt I just happened to check the day before patch release 1 is a level 61 I only played because I was bored last Sunday 1 is my least played 70 and the other is my most played 70.

They could have at least put my 4 most played characters in the group. That said you can probably change it I just haven’t bothered to look yet.

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very true they could change it with patches.

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You can put whatever characters you want in the favorites list.