The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

All of the leaders are guilty of it. I don’t hold Saurfang on some pedestal like the rest of you apparently.


Baine needed to channel a little bit of his father and finally kick some butt, but all he did was kiss Anduin’s butt.

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Well, there is nothing in the game that shows Genn receiving that information. However, Tess Greymane, of all people, joins the Uncrowned in Legion and becomes a follower for Alliance characters. Horde gets Lillian Voss.

It’s hard to imagine Genn’s own daughter not telling him about Shaw and the Dreadlord that caused so much chaos.


Because Genn didn’t know that and clearly wasn’t there to “save an ally of the Alliance”.



To note, the Horde also cut down the trees, as Thrall’s advisor in Cycle of Hatred allied with the Burning Blade to destroy the forests to frame the Alliance to try to promote war between the Horde and the Alliance.

In the novels the Rogues never reached Astranaar, rather in Elegy the Night Elves planted the bodies in Astranaar themselves to lull the Horde into a trap. Delaryn made reference to this when the Alliance player arrives in Astranaar:

Alliance players were oddly enough simultaneously saving those civilians:


They share the blame. No one objected or tried to stop it except Saurfang. No one walked away and no one objected to the war that followed. While some personally may not be at fault, the horde as an organization is responsible for Teldrassil as they are Theramore.

Exactly! That would have been a better story and a better experience for the horde players who are sick of being the villains all the time. Why take away Saurfang’s convictions?


About as much as you do for delivering Staghelm his grain.

Are you really trying to compare the willful killing of thousands of innocents to the druids bringing herbs to their leader and having no idea what he was going to do with them and having no reason not to trust him? That’s like saying the dragons are all to blame for what Deathwing did with the Dragon Soul. Even you can do better than that.


Are you really trying to say that the

majority of the Horde who did not burn the tree, did burn the tree?

Don’t waste your time Kaileena. Dreadmoore is a coward that relies on posting inanities to beat around the bush to avoid actually discussing anything with people.

Case in point, Dreadmoore is simultaneously trying to say that only some members of the Horde burned the tree, so the Horde as a whole should not take the blame, but also that some members of the Horde tried to space some civilians at Lor’danel, and so the Horde as a whole should get credit for that.


I was about to reply that his craziness but you’ve changed my mind.


Amadis once again being totally dishonest.

Quest you absolutely 100% have to do to get to the tree burning: Save civilians.
Thing you absolutely cannot do no matter how much you want to: Take part in burning the tree.

More people should ignore Amadis. Forum life’s better when not paying him any attention.

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And yet he ultimately did. The Alliance was suspicious already of Sylvanas, hence why Anduin order him to follow Sylvanas. As others have mention the Horde has attacked the Alliance(like Ashran) for less.

That does not mean every Horde did it. Just as having a quest to kill a raid boss means not every Horde canonically kill said boss. Also, technically you do because you helped get the siege weapons to the proverbial gates of Teldrassil.


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Quite the opposite, as in fact, the only thing Sylvanas did in Legion after Stormheim was yell at Horde players to attack Gilneans at the Warden Towers.

No one takes you seriously, Dreadmoore.


Ummm… Kat? Assassin’s Creed is an Alternate History franchise with science fiction elements.

There’s a precursor race of god-like beings with mind control technology posing as mythological figures and everything.


apparently someone reported/flagged my one single comment in this thread for talking about historical IRL vikings? Lord, folks in this community I swear


it’s ridiculous these days.

Do you not know what you’ve begun??!!

A divide between people who can’t tell the difference in historical fiction and history, I guess.

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