The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

All I see is a horde player that wants the same whitewash


That sounds like a “you” problem.

why are you still trying to defend the genocide-faction as an alliance dk?

It is so funny.


Okay, Trollbane.

This thread belongs in the RP sections, because this is how you WANT the horde to be portrayed and are deluding yourself into believing that is the case, not how they are actually portrayed in game. In game you have Brennadam, where the horde are staking unarmed civilians to walls and laughing, burning their houses down, they aren’t even fighting soldiers at all in that invasion just purely there to kill civilians. You have the horde destroying night elf land and making death camps for the civilians, what is Nathanos’s quote? “Blight it all from here to the shoreline”. This is all after the genocide at Teldrassil, of which the horde did participate and help burn it down, you even had horde shaman whipping up the winds to make it burn faster so it could kill more civilians.

Even in horde questing, the person you literally go out and kill as a boss is a medic in zuldazar and his special move is to bandage himself (Medic hunt), his death quote is something like “all the words left unsaid” or a druid who’s last words are “hope will prevail”. When you actually do the horde questing in BfA you see Blizzard is clearly presenting the horde for the most part evil in BfA before Saurfang goes out and saves them and he participated in several genocides before this, he’s not a good guy either. But sure we’ll blame it on Sylvanas this time, just like Garrosh the last time instead of a cultural problem that allows this to happen over and over.

The horde is not presented like how you wish they were in game, this is just RP on your part with nothing real backing it up in game.


Just because a large chunk of horde players want the story changed and don’t want to be the bad guys doesn’t make this to the point where it belongs in the RP forums. God forbid we want the story to go somewhere good and unpredictable for once.

Saying horde thoughts belong in the RP forum is incredibly hypocritical since half the first page of the story forums is ally players saying what’s wrong with the horde and how to fix it. More or less the same thing except the posts creators are ally players.

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He’s not saying “this is what I want”, he’s saying “this is what it is” when it’s not that at all. It’s an RP thread and he’s not actually talking about the story but what he is deluding himself to seeing.


Could’ve been for the “r” word. Some people are sensitive about that. (I hasten to say I make no judgments about whether they should or shouldn’t be, or whether people should or shouldn’t use the word.)

Have you not actually played Horde? This trailer is how it is. We’re not the monsters you’re shown.

What’s worse is that someone posted and didn’t just leave it at parallels of the Horde to actual vikings but that the Horde players were like them to.



Some of you saved the civilians. Others killed them. It’s schrodinger’s civilians.

That’s true for Astranaar, not Lor’danel. All Horde players saved civilians.

Are you talking about the Horde player, the Horde NPC faction, or the two lumped together?

The Horde player saved civilians. (And could choose to spare or kill other civilians.) The Horde NPC faction murdered the bejeesus out of a ton of civilians. (Possibly including those very same civilians the Horde player just saved.)


NPCs are not more Horde than the player is. The Horde player is constantly saving folks, sparing the downtrodden, etcetera.

And especially, npcs made for the Alliance’s content are not more Horde than the Horde player is. They’re not indicative of the Horde. The Horde player’s experiences are.

At Blizzcon 2019(??? 2018?) Alex Afrasiabi said there was a straight right and wrong answer to the Sylvanas/Saurfang civil war and were it up to him, he’d have your characters deleted if you chose the wrong one.

And for those who are going to misconstrue (not you, Aviala), that means Saurfang – not Sylvanas – was the correct choice.

I think I’d have to disagree.

The playable factions are bigger than just the player characters. If nothing else, the NPCs are the ones who populate the world and set up quests for the player to do - so they are absolutely meant to be indicative of their faction, even if just a specific aspect of it instead of individually having to represent every part of the overall.

Sure, it can get annoying when parts of the faction are written for the benefit of the other faction rather than their own, but that doesn’t make them not part of the faction. Again, they can represent just one aspect or corner of the overall faction, but represent it they do.

Besides, do you really want to toss away every single Alliance NPC action in favor of what the Alliance player does? Because that would remove a ton of the Horde’s legitimate grievances with the Alliance.


This video always amused me, because it completely ignores the context that the Danes were the invading force, wiping out villages and attacking the current inhabitants. Of course the character that is most likely the PC doesn’t attack the children, it’s the only way to show fans that you aren’t outright playing the evil faction.

If anything it feels like a propaganda piece made by the Danes, to show off and help recruit for their invasion.


I’m trying to say it’s defined by both, not just the player character, but not just by the NPCs, either.

I agree Brennadam was a stupid thing to add. But they did add it.

It’s like saying that one captain who shot the goblin refugee ship should not be used in arguments about why the Horde could/should not be best buds with the Alliance. Or ignoring Daelin, Garithos, etc.

They’re supposed to be bad apples (though I think nameless captain guy was at least given a sliver of non-villainy by making him seem conflicted and sad about his own decision, which more faction villains should have) - but they’re still meant to reflect some part of the faction they were written to be part of, for better or for worse.


But we’ve seen that Blizzard will write them completely, wholly, and objectively counter to character in order to give the Alliance player a “more exciting experience.”

As a person who has an 80% chance of being directly descended from any historical viking that game chooses to reference, I agree.

I like studying that period of history. There are a lot of really neat things about Viking-age cultures, and a lot of humanizing elements that the ‘savage berzerker’ trope ignores… but those elements that created the trope were definitely there, too. It’s not just one or the other. So the trailer makes me wince a little at just how one-sided it seems to be on the side of the vikings, because I’m worried it will try to paper over all the bad things they did and thus create a strawman that will distract real arguments on the subject.

Alfred’s innocent sainthood (lmao) and the evil viking invaders of real life aren’t even remotely related to the core of the topic. I don’t get why people keep bringing it up.