The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

They liteally do it to everyone, dont try to hide behind that before it was only humans, it sucks both ways, there is on way you can hide that fact that raising alliance dead is bad for alliance players and we dont like it

Oh whatā€™s the big deal? Itā€™s shown undeath doesnt like make someone a monster. The Forsaken simply unkilled all those nelves. They fixed the window they broke it just looks a lil different now.

ā€¦ And probably craves flesh but rocks and trees have thoughts and feelings in Azeroth wanting some braaaaaains really doesnt make you any worse in context.

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The Alliance posters always hand wave this away but yeah, if The Alliance is going to take cheap shots on your military even during the most idiotic time to do so, why would you ever assume that they wouldnā€™t do it again given the chance?

Hell. Even in a Meta sense Iā€™m sure Genn and co would happily have launched another unprovoked attack on the Horde if he thought heā€™d win.


Exactly. Coupled upon that the Alliance offered no reparations, or even an attempt at punishing Genn (who, as a member of the Alliance, could be punished by the Alliance for threatening their truce with the Horde and thus all of their people) shows that the Alliance didnā€™t care about what Genn had done, and would allow him to repeat it.



Oh did it upset you that vikings where actually very terrible people awwww

All people are terrible, some are just more terrible than others.


vikings are up there with how terrible they where, but I mean thats ok, if they arent whitewashed like how dread wants them to be. You learn from history not whitewash to bury it


I know reading comprehension isnā€™t your strongsuit, but the title even states that the assassinā€™s creed trailer is a good representation, not real life vikings.

Dreadmoore, for someone who seems to support the Horde so much, you sure have a lot of posts on an Alliance character. Four thousand, even, wow.

Basic reasoning would suggest that I enjoy the Horde more than the Alliance.

White washing real-life crimes isnt good representation

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Itā€™s a video game, not a history textbook.



yeah about a real life event with actual historical characters about events that actually happened

Itā€™s a work of fiction.



Well go make a game about the germans in ww2 being the good guys and see how that goes down

I didnā€™t make the assassinā€™s creed game. Besides, games with alternate takes on history do, in fact, exist. Being able to separate reality from fiction isnā€™t difficult.



They generally dont white wash actual events

this game isnt alt history, its a game about a actual event that happened

Itā€™s a video game with basis in actual events. Itā€™s not trying to pass itself off as a legitimate telling of what happened in the real world, itā€™s a fictional interpretation.



yeah and that doesnt change that white washing a event where the vikings killed thousands of britons isnt good

So donā€™t play the game? Iā€™m sure plenty of people will and I doubt many of them will compare it to reality and go ā€œHey! Thatā€™s not right.ā€
