I fully disagree. You can’t conflate a man who’s lost everything with a traitor who exiles Horde for defending Horde lands.
I should have ended that line with, IMHO.
SO the horde is sylvanas alright then lol
Eh…It’s a good representation of how the Alliance and the Horde SHOULD be. But quite often Blizzard doesn’t make us that way.
Even in BFA, we don’t do half of the evil stuff that the Alliance player is shown. Hell, most of our experience is wholly unrelated to the war with the Alliance.
Sure but…we still do a lot of bad ****. Usually under the command of our worst leaders.
Such as what?
We spend the Zuldazar questline being heroes. We spend the Nazjatar quests being heroes. The war campaign makes us into mustache twirling villains. Doing the Darkshore scenario after the other content is jarring.
I don’t remember us doing anything particularly evil during the war campaign?
We are essentially being Scourge in Darkshore, that could have been the Lich King escorted by Death Knights instead of Nathanos and the PCs. We play a key part in the Derek Proudmoore debacle as well.
I don’t really see a problem with the Forsaken raising people. They’re undead - some sort of shenanigans are going to go down when they start poking around corpses.
I just have zero idea why they were so hot to do it to Nelves. Givin Captain Stone the ole’ zombie zap tracked because she knew important stuff. Likewise, I’d assumed we dug up Derek to give the Forsaken a cool new admiral who’d know how to dismantle the Kul Tiran fleet.
Instead I guess just - torture one into a bomb. And I don’t know why the Unelves were important. They’re mostly just sad or angry and if the hope was for some anti Nelf specialists- the Warsong Clan is right there.
I suppose Sylvanas basically admitted to being the Lich King in Cata, it was just a weird juxtaposition to portray the opposing side of Tyrande and Alliance PCs getting revenge for civilian bombing. Instead of humanizing Horde forces, we are the definitive villain punching bag for Tyrande: torturing souls for information and raising NEs as undead.
… By sparing civilians?
You can specifically choose not to go find his (or maybe it was other?) body (bodies?). I certainly did.
My bad on the Derek thing then. I was racing to get Pathfinder, must have missed the option to decline.
Can you? I’m pretty sure you’ve to find his body to complete the quest.
There’s some extra stuff you can do down there. I thought his body was the extra. Perhaps it isn’t.
We can talk about sparing civilians and such as much as we like, but it doesn’t exactly place the Horde in any sort of moral parity, which is of course a problem. The War of Thorns was started on the justification, literally, of ‘well they might attack us later’, before marching on the one member of the Alliance they had an active treaty with. When the Night Elves ceded their claims to Azshara and Stonetalon, it solved the Horde’s lumber problem forever, and gave them plenty of land that was more arable in order to handle the strain of living in Durotar.
People focus on the Burning, but it’s often glossed over that even the Horde’s, and Saurfang’s, best case scenario plan was literally to carve a path through Kaldorei lands, annex it all, and then hold all of Teldrassil hostage for weeks or months until the Alliance gave up, resulting in thousands of night elf civilians no doubt being abused and mistreated… before sending them out of their homelands forever.
Because ‘they might attack us later’.
The best case scenario, the plan they all wanted to succeed, still involved a treaty violation, thousands dead, and then an entire race displaced from their homes, based on a paranoid assumption. Against the one race on the Alliance barring the Draenei who would be the least likely to leave their forests to attack.
Given the Alliance PC is there to mop up the remaining Horde assassins, it seemed obvious to me what happened.
I mean, one singular guy took it upon himself to give that specific order. Which is great for the 5 or so people who were spared. If only it vould have followed through to not burning an entire zone’s worth of civilians alive. Though, it should be pointed out that after release, they have nowhere to flee to besides a wilderness infested with unscrupulous Horde soldiers.
In the introductory quests for Darkshore and the Night Warrior stuff, there’s a camp of Horde soldiers torturing captured Night Elves. Presumably, they are what’s left of these captives, the captives from Lor’danel who were so graciously allowed the mercy of fleeing right into the rear lines of the Horde, or both.
Which is part of the reason they need to start workd building. They keep getting to push the same plot in different ways and it’s not working. The alliance skittish always be good and the horde shouldn’t always be evil. Through proper character development the ideals of the factions and the trace within them can change. They tried it with the Orc’s when Thrall was put in charge, bringing them back to their connection to shamanism but it never really happened. This whole war could have been presented differently. Imagine if the war started because the horde got framed for something they didn’t do instead of portraying them once again as the blood thirsty warmongers. They need fresh ideas and to listen to the players.
There is nothing worse that loose ends and plot holes that never get resolved.
Probably because it’s eclipsed by the thousands of innocents that died in Teldrassil.
They DID attack us during the moment that Azeroth was the most imperiled it had ever been and possibly will ever be.
I’m not going to deny that this would happen because Sylvanas required death, but the player’s horde is never shown as abusing the weak or downtrodden.
Alliance players sure love saying “Garrosh’s horde abusing people in the raid is the player’s horde!” even though we had clearly rebelled before then.
I can’t and won’t be held accountable for Sylvanas’s doing.