The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

And Dark Irons were killed by the Alliance.
Also I’m aware that Moira wasn’t mind controlled, but the point is that the Horde believed she was and acted not to kidnap her and ransom here, not to kill her, but to free her.

Who here thinks that Dreadmoore and aky should date

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Chronicles changed alot of that. the Legion was gonna destroy any and all life on the off chance it was corrupted by a Old God. Fun fact, if certain BC lore is still canon Draenor may have had an old God.

Second, apparently what actually drew the Legion to Draenor was the Genedar’s crash landing which apparently sent shock-waves of holy energy. One of Naaru had turn dark and the draenei had no choice but to eject him. Which caused it to crash land. So even if the Legion was attracted to Draenor, it was an accidental more than anything else.

Lastly and this probably the most important reason why the draenei never warned the orcs, the orcs were actively ATTACKING AND ENSLAVING the draenei long before the Legion was ever on the scene.

Did you ever follow on your promise to pork Yag?


It’s Stages 4 and 5 of the Alliance introductory scenario:

    Stage 4: A Cry for Help

    • Investigate the screams

    Shandris Feathermoon says: Do you hear that? Survivors!
    Shandris barrages orc soldiers with arrows.
    Shandris Feathermoon says: Andu-falah-dor!

    Stage 5: No Elf Left Behind

    • Rescue the kaldorei prisoners and save Ash’alah.

    Shandris Feathermoon says: Sister, are you all right?
    Maiev Shadowsong says: We will tend to her wounds. Free the others!


Yeah, I know the actual event is still there, but is it still called a death camp anywhere on live? Kateira says no. There’s a difference between a death camp and a POW camp, even a POW camp with torture.

I don’t think it was ever called a death camp. Even in the earliest states of the beta, the location was just named Withering Thicket. They didn’t actually change the area at all, as far as I can see from the 8.1 beta update notes on Wowhead.

That said, the Darkshore Warfront questing was as mandatory as saving Lor’danel civilians, so Dreadmoore’s over all notion still doesn’t hold any water because of the POW torture and killing, raising of the dead, and desecration of the land.


I’m just quibbling about the name, because it does make a big difference. I didn’t play beta, but I do remember people from beta popping in and immediately using the words “death camp” to describe that bit. Good to know they were just exaggerating, because I couldn’t see any reason why anyone at Blizzard would think that was a good idea.

Same person who thought it was a good idea to put one in Hillsbrad, I imagine.

Were those words used in Hillsbrad? Maybe I’m confusing my warfronts.

The Sludge Fields. It wasn’t a warfront.

Sylvanas and her loyalists: Intentionally set up as villains for the Horde.
Amadis: tHeY’rE rEpReSeNtAtIvE oF tHe hOrDe


Zuleika and I were talking about Blizzard employees finding humor in death camps.

Try to keep up if you’re going to start responding to my posts again.

Oh, right. I tend to mash together Alterac and Arathi because they are both green and start with A.

It does get confusing when Alterac used to be its own zone.

Yag doesn’t talk to me anymore :c

He plays a human and an orc.

Hard pass.

Treng and Zerde on the other hand…

Dreadmoore is treng

Finkle is Einhorn.


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Yes, I know.