The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

Agree on that. Blizzard should re-start to move the world building again but in this ocassion have the core races interest and not making it crashing with others but honestly I don’t expect that kind of development until the main heads step aside and we get fresh blood that actually likes the playable races rather than Tolkien fans

Yes! I hate too how after Metzen went away(despite being clearly biased with 2 races, he at least tried to be a bit to go away from the Tolkien esque narrative) just went to Orc bad- Human good that destroyed all the buildup they did from WC3 to Wotlk, it’s a letdown to see Blizzard not putting effort to the game and tropes that put them in the place they are now.

Same my friend same. Since the announcement everyone wanted this plotline instead of the war being just fuel to Sylvanas’ new powers and lure us to the Jaile that could had happened without the war and just using the Azerite to give that boost of power to the screecher for enough time to destroy the helmet.

Yeah and with Blizzard speed, this are treated in the less expected time or when players already forgot about it(See Wrathion mad prophecies about the Legion only to just be afk and being an Old Gods expert out of nowhere or Yrel)

It’s amazing how easy they could fix their own lore by just listening to the playerbase instead of letting the writers act like Matt Ward and put self inserts/pet characters to glorify them and tell most of the playerbase to suck it up their geniality to compesate some lack of attention from their parents.


I think players need to expand their views as well, A fair amount seem to think that “Horde-evil, alliance=good” is the only way the story should be written. I have seen Horde players post concerns about the faction being made to be evil and be told to “re-roll alliance”. The ones told others to re-roll are now complaining about being “alliance lapdogs”, or want Sylvanas to be “right” in the end.

Here is what I say to them, when your desired story is the one that gets focus, the story is TRASH because you don’t allow for any wiggle room for individuals in the faction yet when ones like me get the story we want (horde not necessarily good but not down and out evil) you can still have your characters take a “biding time” or “working behind the scenes” view.

I think the only fix would be to make 4 factions, with 2 working with one of the others.

  1. Warmonger Horde
  2. Azeroth Defender Horde
  3. Warmonger Alliance
  4. Azeroth defender Alliance

The warmonger factions would work with the azeroth defender ones of their side in the case of defending their lands from agression, even from the other side, yet the Azeroth defender factions would not fight the other side aside from defending lands or moving to take out a warmonger that is going too far (i.e. Garrosh or sylvanas for Horde, Daelin-like for alliance)

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But isn’t this what most players want, an end to the alliance always good/horde always evil point of view?

Cata was a massive set back in terms of the horde. Garrosh it at least the version of him they chose to use was a mistake as was Thrall thinking he could unite the Horde. What a terrible though process. They ruined that character.

The problem with this is that we saw none of it coming. There weren’t even Easter eggs too give us clues about this. This Jailor situation is a complet retcon that didn’t need to happen if they had planned this out. Sylvanas’ turn could have been a long slow burn, but no. Apparently throwing this in at the last minute worked best.

Imagine if the story and character development matched the work of the art department. If only.


It might be what most players want, but the LOUDEST tend to be the ones that want it to remain.


I have honesty not seen that honestly, but if you say so.

From the start of BfA I saw most and very vocal Horde players say that they are sick of being the villains and hate that Sylvanas was villain batted in the way she was.

That division would only bring more problems, literally the Warmongers parts are goings to be portrayed as dumb with zero lore spotlight while the Defenders one(likely leaded by Anduin and Baine) will suck most of the spotlight and shovel us in how wrong is to fight for your own race and not being a human bootlicker.

If anything they should let the players follow whoever they want and do the actions they want while leaving the races to push their own agenda(even if it’s 2 at the time) rather than just mindless follow and jumping from a master to another.

Completely agree that they went with an angle that nobody expected but the pay off was really the worst as it destroyed most of the positive and goodwill of the players about the lore of the game. And the Jailor is the comical example in that they should had made more real clues rather than just show which ruined all we have to endure in this expansion.

Only one can hope for that, sure they do very good questlines but I think one of the reasons the Art department does so well is that the people in there have very good managers, supervisors and communication which is the contrary on the writing and game design deparment. But maybe one day things finally get together

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Maybe that is what it will take to get the players that want things like “Horde=evil, Alliance=good” to finally realize that things change.

Sounds a lot like what some of the more vocal sylvanas loyalist players want for those of us that are like “enough is enough”.

While they might be lead by Anduin and Baine, officially, I’d be looking more towards ones like Lor’thmar, Mayla Highmountain, The 3 hammers, and Mekkatorque, etc to be the ones actually leading. Note I never said the defender factions would be working together, they would just be the ones focusing on other threats. Hell, there could still be tensions between them because the Horde is willing to go down some darker paths for survival yet the Alliance are turned off by such.

Mainly the defender factions would be:

  1. you leave us alone, we will leave you alone
  2. you attack us, we WILL fight back with all we have available
  3. if a threat needs us to work together, we will coordinate attacks and plans, but our soldiers will only work under us (no alliance working for a horde leader or vice versa)

More or less, it would ideally still be 2 factions but those that want to follow a more war setting can have their way and those of us that have had enough, but not to the point we want the factions to merge, can still have something for us.

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No that is up to the writers to start to portray the other races in a good light. They did it with Zandalar and portrayed Trolls aren’t just mindless dirt that needs to be killed and the result was people realizing all the previous instance done against them were wrong and made the Zandalari a growing AR.

Like I said we need positive spotlight to show the other side did something wrong and doesn’t need to be withwashed because the writers want to put x npc to play as the hero(take a look at Jaina getting away with raiding a city)

Have you seen the Alliance meeting after the raid of Dazar’alor? It was just 4 people Jaina, Anduin, Halford and Shaw, the rest of the alliance leadership aren’t even mentioned and often are there for decoration.

This is what I don’t in the narrative to be sucked by 1 annoying npc that later goes to buy cigarettes and never comes back.

Once again see above of my comment.

On this I fully agree and let the cast of each faction grown in their own like Nazgrim and Taylor did. However I still think almost everyone should participate so in that case we don’t see guys like Anduin or Baine bossing around people that they legally can’t.

Funny thing is that Vol’jin and Tyrande could had done your idea in SL but for some reason they gave it to Bolvar which is shoe-horned at this late stage of the plot

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