The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

Arrakoa, Draenei prior to first war. first war humans, second war: Humans, dwarves, and elves. Dragons enslaved. Third war: Grom knowingly redrinks the demon blood. WoW Classic: Forsaken works on creating a blight to wipe out innocent, experiments on captured civilians. Wrath: Wrathgate, North Fleet. Cata. Plague bombing of Gilneas. invades ashenvale, and allies with the troll tribe that tortures injured civilians to death. Corrupts the land
MoP Wipes out Theramore with a majority of the orcs in Orgrimmar cheering. Launches a genocidal campaign.
Legion: Warchief tries to enslave a titan keepers lieutenant and allies herself with a literal death god.
Current expansion: Mass genocide.
edit: oh and Warlords, proving that the orcs did not need demon corruption to become the same kind of monsters that they were in the main timeline.

Yet, the Horde still keeps fighting for her after the genocide. Also Brennadam. Where people were intentionally targeting the wounded and civilians.
8.1 Liadrin gives you a quest to kill a pandaren who keep assassins from the wounded.
The Hordes history is full of mass murder. You cannot argue against it. They will blindly follow the warchief order even when they know it’s wrong.
The Horde is the same as the Sith Empire in Swtor, only difference is that Blizzard enjoys WoW version of saying “There are good people on both side.” Trump


Throughout WoW history, whenever a player faction commits an evil act, it has almost always been the Horde. At some point, you need to accept reality, that the Horde was founded on the principal of mass murder. The current horde might have been reforged, but it has proven time after time that if enabled, the Horde will revert to the Blackhands’ Horde ways and embrace mass murder.




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While it was wrong, it was lucky that they did. Sylvanas was stopped from enslaving eyir, which as we know now would have been very bad for us. One bad deed is a drop in the ocean of the horrors that the Horde commit nor does it equal all the recent stuff that the Horde has done.


Weren’t killed by orcs.

All evil acts, but I adore how you intentionally leave out a very important piece of context:
The Draenei were only attacked after not preparing the orcs for what they knew they were drawing to the world, intentionally refusing to stop using that “Sweet Eredar magic” that they knew would draw the legion to their world, they either intentionally led this stoneage race to a powerful demon named The Deceiver, or they just didn’t care.

I’m unsure which is more evil.

All correct to the best of my knowledge. These were evil acts.

He’s also compelled to drink it. The Dreadlords discuss it with Mannoroth. He’s bound.
Thanks for that, Draenei.


Wow Classic: TONS of quests where the Horde saves the innocent, including a quest wherein the Horde attempts to save Moira from the Dark Irons.

Not Horde. Traitors.

Don’t know what this is, but I’m betting this is about as true as most of the stuff you’ve posted, which is very little.

Forsaken are indeed evil. And Garrosh very specifically told her not to use the Blight. I’m not sure how you can point to this and say “See? The Horde is evil” unless you’re just a liar.

You’re not a liar, are you?


Our territory. Right at the back door to our city. Alliance are not allowed to build near Orgrimmar.
Get over it.

Only true of the Forsaken.

Sylvanas is and has always been a villain. This is not reflective of the Horde any more than Arthas was the Alliance.

“Well, Arthas was alliance. You’re all evil. Nothing you do can change it. Sorry.”

Zul’Farrak, Zul’Gurub, Zul’Aman were all genocide, you hypocrite.

The Alliance is coming to kill them.
Self preservation is powerful.

So the issue isn’t that the Horde did bad things, it’s just the scale? Is that why Alliance bad deeds get hand-waved?


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Enticed by the offer, the Outcasts snuck into Skyreach and waged war on the city. What they lacked in numbers they made up for with their magic and destroyed the mechanism atop the city. A blinding explosion tore through the sky and set the heavens aflame. When Kargath and his forces finally arrived, they slaughtered the high arakkoa as promised and cast their bodies from the city. However, the battle-crazed orcs also turned on the Outcasts. Kargath saw them as a threat. Knowing they were cunning and intelligent, he assumed they would one day learn to wield the same powers the high arakkoa had and he could not take that risk. But in addition, he simply enjoyed betraying the wretches. Kargath’s followers did not kill every high arakkoa they came across. Some were taken prisoner and cast into the Sethekk Hollow based on stories the Outcasts had told them. Kargath reveled in the sight of the last of the high arakkoa writhing in agony as shadow energy transformed them

nice blaming the victim.

All done by the Horde as per the Chronicles.

Sylvanas still ordered it.

that quest isn’t canon as of chronicles. While there are quests to save innocents, the Forsaken quests has been one of monstrous acts.

not your land, Night elf lands. ***


Get over it***

You know what could have stayed their hands. Removing Sylvanas. But they marched blindly like sheep.

Sylvanas is and has always been a villain. This is not reflective of the Horde any more than Arthas was the Alliance.

“Well, Arthas was alliance. You’re all evil. Nothing you do can change it. Sorry.”

You mean when the Alliance mostly refused to follow Arthas, and Uther went to the King to seek to have him brought back to Lordaeron?


Moral relativism is pretty bad. Attacking Sylvanas is not the moral equivalent of launching a genocidal campaign to wipe out the alliance.

When the Alliance kicks a kid, the Horde rounds up a large number of orphans pours gasoline over them and lights them on fire.

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I get both sides of this specific part of the argument, but you do have to think about how many planets were destroyed by the Legion simply because they would find Velen and Co hiding on it. How many times have they fled from the Legion, how many innocent unsuspecting races and planets died at the hands of the Legion who were only drawn there by the Draenei?

okay, my bad.
They were killed by a villainous character not meant to represent the player faction in any way, shape, or form.

Of course you’d use Kargath to say the Horde is evil.

Well, they are the perpetrators. They lured the Legion to a world not their own – which they named after themselves – and lived as luxuriously as they could for as long as they could knowing they were damning every soul on the planet to death or worse.

Draenei are an obscenely evil race.

Blackrock is achieved by the Alliance. Zul’Farrak’s victor isn’t commented on in the chronicle at all.

Sunken Temple? Serpent Shrine Cavern? Onyxia’s lair? all Alliance. alliance butchered naga by the score. Killed babies. Then they picked it up again in Grim Batol.

Yes. I know. And the Warchief of the Horde told her not to.

That literally doesn’t matter. The point is that Blizzard wrote the Horde heroically which utterly destroys your lie in that “the Horde was always evil.”

Not anymore.

Nothing. Tyrande’s power-mad. Genn is vengeance crazed.

Dude you used Kargath as an example for the player’s Horde. No one from the player’s Horde ever followed Kargath – but soldiers from the player’s Alliance did follow Arthas.

In Classic, they named a town after him.

source on baby killing.

not anymore, the Alliance came back.

You don’t see Classic WoW Alliance honoring arthas.

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That never happens according to a lot of posters here.



Can’t help dev’s lack of ingenuity.

“many whelps, handle it!”

We’ll see.

Can’t say. I didn’t play much Alliance in classic. But I can objectively say that members of the Alliance agreed to help Arthas in the genocide of Stratholme.

Okay, now I cannot take you seriously anymore.

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Those whelps are babies. You literally watch them hatch. Or what, is it not a person unless they’re in the Alliance?

“It’s okay when we do it.”

If you can find someone with Chronicles, I think the passage on the discovery of Draenor (seriously though, it should have an orcish name) mentions that the Legion found the planet first, then discovered the draenei were there.

So, while there’s still empty lore room to argue that maybe the Legion would have procrastinated invading Draenor if they hadn’t found the Draenei there, it wasn’t like the Draenei were the reason the Legion were invading worlds at all or that the absence of Dranei prevented any known planets from getting invaded.


One of the books says the same thing. The legion was uninterested in Draenor until they detected “that sweet Eredar magic.”

Third book states spires was cleared by Horde players. The Alliance handled the Depths and Ragnaros, while Horde was the one who fought in the Spires.

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Okay? Dark Irons and Blackrock orcs are still people. They were genocided. You didn’t care.

Moira stayed in Shadowforge after her husband’s death. Hoping to further Dagran’s plans to free the Dark Iron from Ragnaros’ tyranny, she spread the news that the [Firelord] was amassing an army and that Dagran Thaurissan’s death only had delayed its formation. She also told of riches and artifacts hidden in his stronghold, the [Molten Core]). She hoped that this would attract adventurous (or greedy) heroes that would strike at the Firelord and banish him. Her plan succeeded, with her finding an unsuspecting ally in the [Hydraxian Waterlords](, who had their own rivalry with the denizens of the Firelands and offered their own rewards for striking against Ragnaros. Soon, powerful champions broke into the Molten Core, destroyed Ragnaros’ protective runes with the aid of the water elementals and banished him back to the Firelands. The Dark Iron dwarfs celebrated and many pledged themselves to Moira for orchestrating their liberation.

Blackrocks orcs were killed by the Horde.

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