The new assassin's creed trailer is a good representation of alliance and horde

it did its just not called a death camp anymore

I have played the horde and it is terrible in BfA it actually made me sick, the horde is straight up evil in BfA questing and I wanted to do a thread about presentation and how even when you’re questing you’re shown to be pretty bad (such as the main boss for one of the quests is a medic who bandages himself). I also brought up more than just WoT where the horde definitely did go around killing civilians as well as letting some go. In Darkshore the horde has death camps for civilians, and the horde player goes around forcibly raising night elves to kill their own people, then nathanos wanting to blight everything. Then I also brought up Brennadam with how the horde there is not only killing civilians, but taking joy in it and literally not even fighting soldiers there, just goes straight for the unarmed civilians.

You have to pretty much ignore the entire BfA story to assume the horde are good in this expansion. But I guess your op wouldn’t be too much different from the trailer you posted, it ignores the reality entirely of the Danes being the invaders and butchering small unarmed villages continually in order to present them as the misunderstood good guys in the game trailer, when that isn’t how it is at all.


jesus wept.

This is true. One of our invasion bosses is some medic.

No they don’t.

Sylvanas’s loyalists do, yeah. They aren’t Horde, though.


Oh yeah, they are definitely there rounding up and killing civilians in Darkshore. This is of course after the horde target a large civilian population and literally the only one who takes issue with it is Saurfang.

I also don’t care if the undead boss is hostile, the horde there killing the civilians is not. It’s crazy how you went through that whole zone to literally just try to lie about this (still it doesn’t let me post links so remove the space):

imgur .com/a/QEv66L0

Did you think people wouldn’t check on this or something? Even from your screenshot you needed to cut out the friendly demolisher that is right next to him.


Ah yes, the evil acts of…

Saving small fox and snake people from an evil cult.


Preventing the Blood trolls from doing any more harm than they are now.

how villanous, how EVIL

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That happened when Sylvanas was Still Warcheif. Every soldier in Darkshore, raising nelves and blighting the area, were doing so for the Horde.


Yeah and so did a ton of Benedictus’s shady backstage dealings, when he was Alliance.

His actions don’t reflect on the Alliance, though.

I mean, you are not going to see me defending the Alliance, really. There is a difference between one bad egg, and the Horde operating as an institution to do horrible things.

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Saving small foxes and stopping blood trolls was good.

But that doesn’t make the Horde the good guy faction in the war.

Evil vs Evil can be a thing, and sometimes good can come from it.

Ignoring Horde atrocities while pointing out some of there good acts in BFA is like ignoring evil that Stalin and others did within the Soviet Union by saying “well they fought Germans and helped to free Europe from Axis rule”.

I understand the Horde isn’t some 100 % evil faction, but the good the faction does in BfA is far outweighed by the evil the faciton commits.


I mean the Alliance is more than happy to wade into the atrocity game when it suits them, are they evil?

Because the Alliance was more than happy to kill a city’s worth of goblins just so nobody witnessed them kidnapping Thrall.

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Zul’Gurub was genocide.
Zul’Farrak was genocide.
Zul’Aman was genocide.
Blackrock Depths/Spire/Whatever was genocide.

They only care because it’s the Alliance and they get to wear a victim badge while praising characters literally named TROLLBANE.

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Yeah but those weren’t pretty races so killing them en masse is OK!

Much like the Dwarves in their starting zone sending you to kill literal children, or how the Night elves were justified in killing orcs entering their forest, but orcs are evil for defending their lands against the Draenei.


When you bring up orcs and draenei, are you referring to there time on Draenor? Because the orcs are the guilty ones in that conflict.

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but they didnt kill them, if they did you wouldnt have playable goblins lol, The horde is very willing to ignore the actual bad stuff they did, and blow up the minor stuff the alliance did and act like all this is the same as there genocides

The trolls literally tried to commit genocide on the high elves and humans, trollbane gets his name from saving the humans from genocide lol
and all those trolls guess what, the horde did those too lol

Your literally orc aky dreadmoore


The Horde are shown to be evil from the Alliance perspective in game. The Horde questline eventually portrays Sylvanas and Sylvanas Loyalists as evil, not the whole faction.

That said, people certain can have opinions.

I too felt sickened playing through the Horde questlines in BFA, though it was because of Teldrassil - more than anything else. For me, I did not feel as though my Horde characters were heroic anymore, not after standing by idly while our faction perpetrated a genocide.

If Blizzard had given Horde players the option, from the get go, to oppose Sylvanas’ actions at Teldrassil/Darkshore, I would have been more okay with things. But the fact that we went from “genocide” to “yay we’re the good guys!” - it just felt tone deaf.

If Blizzard is going to do something as dark, and as huge as Teldrassil, they need to fully address it then and there, and not entirely ignore it and move on to the next thing immediately.


I know I’m just snipping this out of your larger post, and maybe this is just my sour point of view, but I feel like the horde has a separate problem in that their faiths just seem…lesser, in general. None of the core races seem to worship any real divine being in the setting. At best you have the trolls making deals with stronger-than-normal sapient animals, you have the orcs talking to their ancestors as if they’re somehow special, and tauren faith feels like it has this weird “god of the gaps” thing going on and who knows if their beliefs actually have some sort of purpose to it since they seemed to be wrong about their own interpretation of what Azeroth was.

I feel like if the night elven faith has been insulted more than anything else, it’s because theirs (and light worship) were the only “real” faiths portrayed, and the light’s not exactly coming off squeaky-clean either these days.


That is true… I think Blizz really mishandled Tauren lore. Making Elune interpreted to them as Mu’sha with an entirely different folklore, that is setting it up that one has to be wrong.

They should have kept with the Earth Mother, which I kinda of love/hate the idea she is the World Soul.

Faith in WoW is upsetting because it’s all just psudo-faiths. Faith are defining elements of a culture, and Blizzard really brushes them under the rug.

The racial leader of the Lightforged Draenei is a human, who’s first call upon the Light was due to his own weaponized racism…

The dude who once believed the Light would only answer those native to Azeroth ends up leading an army of Tentacle faced Space Alien Zealots.

Just shows the amount of thought and research Blizzard puts into their world.

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Uh, Mass murder and wanton destruction has been the favored activities of the Horde since its creation. Also let’s be frank in history, Vikings weren’t as noble as shown in the trailer.

Then proceeds to firebomb teldrassil full of civilians, then later tortures and kills a bunch of civilians in Brennadam

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That’s not true.

Has nothing to do with what I said.

Sylvanas and a very small handful of Horde did, yes.
It’s unwise to think the entire army was required in (or could even take part in) operating the siege machines.

Hell, nathanos himself lights it.