The New Alleria Windrunner Model - Good or Bad?

Also her arm tattoo is on the wrong side.

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Characters are allowed to change their clothing. I have a bigger problem with characters that do not change over time.

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I can’t really tell the difference between Alleria and her sister Vereesa Windrunner now.

New outfit’s real problem is it doesn’t look elvish at the first glance

That weird 1/4 cape scarf thing makes me dislike all the changes. It’s impractical and reaches for some kind of edgy roman tunic style that just didn’t come together in the set. If it were deleted, or something more visually interesting were used, I’d be on board. It feels too gladiator-ish, rather than hunter aligned.

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The storytelling method you’re talking about works fine for static narrative experiences like books, or movies, or even on-rails single-player games. It doesn’t work in expansive and growing games like WoW because the question will inevitably arrive to the designers’ desks: why not? Why can’t a Pandaren be called to the Light for service as a Paladin, or endure and survive the ritual to become a Demon Hunter? They’re certainly agile enough, and mentally sound as well given their philosophy and safeguards against Sha corruption (or maybe that’s how they do it, they literally eat the Sha holy crap I’m stealing that one).

We’ve seen many unorthodox entryways to various classes, if Goblins can literally negotiate their way into Shaman, and Blood Elves can literally steal the Paladin class, it should be trivial to imagine pathways for other races into these classes. We know Dragon Communion is a thing, that could be an easy pathway for other races into Evoker. Demon Hunters are produced through a magi-scientific process; this can be repeated without Illidan’s input with enough experimentation and maybe a few corpses along the way, but who’s counting?

As far as new races coming to the forefront, that’s also going to inspire the same question. Why not? Let’s chat about LotR for a spell. Why must every Goblin and Orc be evil to the core? If Humans, Elves, and Dwarves can falter and even betray one another to Sauron’s goals, surely the other side has retention issues as well. These are intelligent, sapient beings after all, just painting them with the ACE (Always Chaotic Evil) brush and going ‘yeah no they’re just monsters’ is boring and uninspired.

You talk about ‘lightning in a bottle’, but that was the dullest lightning I’d ever read and seen on the silver screen. I knew everything that would happen by the first few pages and barely ever worried about the heroes because I was wondering what Deus Ex Machina would pull Frodo/Gandalf/Aragorn out of danger this time. If I see an Orc, I know they’re evil, full stop, no nuance or consideration, and that Orc will probably die by the end of its introduction if it’s not being set up as a larger villain. They also always, always fight to the death. Why not, after some losses and realizing they’re outmatched, offer terms of surrender or even have a come-to-Gandalf moment where they realize better paths might be available? Then if you really want to yank the chain, have them die fighting against evil and give the hero squad a moment to ponder if any others could potentially be talked down and integrated into a better world. This also has the benefit of painting the villain in an even darker shade; these aren’t pre-programmed meat robots hellbent on doing evil just 'cause, these are people duped into a destructive call of service that might still be savable if the heroes just try.

Also lol if you think a new MMO launching today not based on a massive IP with commercial inertia has a snowball’s chance in hell to survive even a fraction of the time WoW had. WoW itself only lasts because of brand-name recognition and the fact that there hasn’t been a new entry in the franchise for 20 years. ‘Dark’ and ‘edgy’ are great options, but very poor foundations.

While I’m not sure about the separate colors for her hood and cape, her braid was more of a personal design choice she probably liked. I can’t recall if there was some personal meaning from it or not, but I would say it was just design choice more or less.

As for her pants, it’s intentional. The reason for them I believe allows for more flexible movement and comfort, and to prevent tears or ripping.

Also forgot to mention that her Asymmetrical preference could also be more practical, as it allows more flexible movement and mobility. Shoulder wise at least


Exactly. Fully agree with this!


To be honest, I prefer her old look because of the amount of details her outfit had along with a more veritable color palette. This new outfit looked nice enough through concept art but kinda falls flat ingame, especially her hair. I liked it honestly through the art that was shown to us but ingame it’s ehh…

I feel the white silvery colors are too bright and mixed in with her already fair complexion is a bit much. The colors on this new outfit are also a bit bland and lacking. coupled with the less amount of details her new outfit has, now makes her kind of boring to look at compared to her earlier design.

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I wish all npcs would wash and change their clothes more often. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I’m just wondering if Arator and Turalyon also play a role in the expansion.
As for Arator, I’ll even go so far as to believe he’s been written out of canon.

There’s nothing wrong with that, she’s more inclusive now. She doesn’t have to fit the western societal views of femininity.

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That’s just the elf WoD faces, lol.


This was based off of her Alpha model. Just saw her more recent updated design and while it looks better, my issue is still with the silvery white part of her outfit that still has the same issues from my last post.

I do like the details on the black parts of her outfit and the braids on her hair look nice, but i wish they would change that silvery part of her outfit. It makes her a bit boring to look at.

This might just be me, but i feel like after the whole sexual allegation debacle, Blizzard has been keeping a stricter design when it comes to female NPCs showing their skin. Especially their breasts.

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She switched tattoos?

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tomboy alleria

they took advantage of the company’s fragility after the accusations, and transformed it into the radical opposite of the accusations, the ‘‘woke’’ version

pretty obvious for me

and yes i miss boobs, iam a woman who loves woman, i want booba in my video game. iam a simple person

So women are not allowed to have tattoo, hair or boobs then?

I never understood why people think it’s okay to justify such changes because it’s “more inclusive” yet does the exact opposite by excluding people with various body types.

FWIW the average breast size in the US is 34DD.

At the end of the day, who cares it’s a video game but still. I just don’t see the justification in it. It goes against the very thing you are claiming is “inclusive”

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Gaslight someone else, I’m not even wasting my time reading the rest of your blabber.

Nah I really like her new model. Very void-esque. I liked the old one too.

There’s so much good subtle detail on the new model…bow glove, the black dusting on her tunic, the black elements at the back of her hair. Very nice.

This is a bunch of new age nonsense though lmao. If anyone looked at her old model and saw a “lack of inclusivity” or “Western societal views of femininity” they need to touch grass.