The New Alleria Windrunner Model - Good or Bad?

You’re the one gaslighting with your hateful post.

Everything you replied to was completely off-topic or outside of what I was discussing. Did you reply to the wrong post? I never said a thing about classes or races being evil. Or perhaps you are trying to straw-man? I feel like barring an error, you know exactly what I am speaking of, but apparently didn’t want to discuss it. When you address that then we can discuss more. Still I will for the sake of simplicity spell it out.

It’s not a class issue or a racial alignment issue. Elder Scrolls did a banger job with the Orcs. The issue is the type of story telling being done, and the intentionally antagonistic and revisionist nature it is done by. If War Within is a return to classic fantasy, and the sort of things Metzen, Samwise and others built Warcraft off of? The World Soul Saga will do well.

However. If Metzen is overruled either by corporate, bullied by new hires who feel motivated to ‘save Blizzard from itself’; or the story is inundated with excessive amounts of pandering like it were some sort of Talonel love-letter, it will doom the World Soul Saga, and the Franchise; because a lot of people can and will walk.

I don’t care what any of the Warthin characters look like because I don’t care about the characters. There is not a single interesting character in the current narrative. Not expecting that to change. Been this way since BFA.

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War paint.

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She went from ultra-generic to slightly less generic. Ultimately they’re still flaying to somehow make her vaguely interesting looking and landing on “Vereesa but with short hair” is kinda funny

I don’t have a vested interest in the appearance of npcs so it’s fine I guess.

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I like it, but her new design kinda doesn’t look like her. If we hadn’t been explicitly told it was her i would have thought it was a new character or maybe even Vereesa.

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I was being charitable and trying to address the points you raised regarding narratives and guidelines for a static narrative, which LotR is. Those are books, they are written, and immutable from this point. These kinds of closed narratives work great for contained works, as mentioned prior, but MMOs are expansive games by design. They’re going to have to grow, expand, and even revisit earlier rules for narrative twists and changes in order to allow new races to become playable, new classes to develop, and for new stories to happen. Putting in hard restrictions to a setting works fine if that setting is serving to tell a singular story. WoW isn’t that kind of setting, it’s telling all kinds of stories, so needlessly hard-locking your narrative off from potentially interesting avenues is a rookie mistake.

Here’s an example. Saying ‘Undead can never ever use the Light in any capacity’ is dumb and needlessly limiting, especially when you spin around and make a raid boss a Light-wielding undead! Saying ‘Undead can use the Light and even channel it, but it’s gonna suck for them the whole time’ is good and well and fine because it allows for stories involving personal sacrifice and pain in the face of duty. I see it as no different that Death Knights persevering in the face of their continuous agony when not inflicting harm upon others. They endure so others don’t have to. It allows necessary gray to come into otherwise strictly black-and-white scenarios. If nothing else, the PC is the proper person to make the exception, the one who beat the odds, the one who got lucky, however it’s explained.

Also, really? A strawmanning accusation, when half the paragraphs in your initial post are complaining about ‘those people’? Why not be a bit more specific?

Why won’t you? What is it that the fish says to the hook?

“That is bait.”

My point stands. Blizzard can either heed or disregard it, and receive the fruits of said labor. Cause and effect love.

I see you typing Ling, and I will level. We’re done talking. I’ve seen your posts in the past and I am not going to argue with someone who I know is intellectually dishonest. Have a great one. Accept that there is someone in the world that is absolutely and utterly opposed to your opinion and has a different one.

Muting thread in three… two… one…

The burden’s not on me to be specific. You were the one that brought up the argument. It’s your burden to identify and clearly specify the problem.

Again, I responded to the narrative portion of your post because it was the only part that didn’t come off as tinfoil.

I still think the war paint was needed, they braided so much space around that area of the face but shrunk the war paint into eyeliner. :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: fixed. :wrench::robot:

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War paint.

Edit: much better. :stuck_out_tongue: