The New Alleria Windrunner Model - Good or Bad?

I don’t like it. Not only did they remove the iconic hood and color, the new one doesn’t even look voidy. It looks like some sort of templar priest archer with all the white and silver.

What are your thoughts?


I don’t really care :person_shrugging:


Her old design felt as if she was basic Silvermoon NPC with a much larger pathing route. This new design… While to me, is a cool design and looks pretty cool, just doesn’t feel like Alleria. Feels more like a kid she saved a while back wanted that now wants to be like her and threw in their own inspirations to not fully be a carbon copy.

But, it is what it is.


I guess she’s embracing her Void side now. /shrug

cuz her previous outfit soooooooooooo did


You missed the point fam. Why change it at all if they won’t change it to be voidy.


I got the point I was just being cheeky.

I’d say the white / black fits her since she’s all about talking about how the void actually isn’t that black / white.

Girl could also just like the colors. Not all outfit choices are that deep


Anyone else notice she lost her face tattoo? :microscope::robot:


While I had not noticed, WHY must the hunter tier set look horrible compared to bow using npcs


It’s very boring to me. They made her the most generic “elf ranger” they could think of. I honestly would’ve thought I was looking at Vereesa or any other Silver Covenant ranger had it not been explicitly said to be Alleria.


ANYWAYS. Damn, they really did her dirty all around.


I got a better question, why are these desgins from the Nerubian Raid? :robot::thought_balloon:

…would’ve made sense wearing the carapace of their enemies. :memo::robot:

They took her tattoo, hair, and boobs. :carpentry_saw::robot:


Speaking from the standpoint as both a lesbian and an art appreciator - I personally think her new look is drop dead gorgeous.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about her outfit coloration, yet. It feels more… Silver Covenant, to me? Which, I know her sister is in the SC (or at least I think she still is?), and the Silver Covenant is definitely the Alliance high elf representative faction more than any other… but Alleria is considered ren’dorei at this point, is she not? Rather than quel’dorei. Feels like she should have had more ren’dorei colors besides just the… I guess, void-y? markings on her arm.

That said, the outfit design isn’t bad by any means - in fact, as I said, it’s quite gorgeous and eye-catching! I just don’t know how I feel about it in relation to who is wearing it, mainly.

Alleria’s overall appearance though is outstanding. I liked her original appearance, too - and I’m especially weak to long hair, of course. But the new, shorter front hair into a large braid is incredibly cool and suit her just as nicely.


well if the top one is her new model. im out.
also can i choose a lazily designed discount veressa model.
im gonna go cry in a corner now. day is ruined.

It’s giving Auntie Alleria

I’m not a big fan of that weird one-sided shoulder cape.

The rest of it looks fine to me. Apparently her facial tattoo is gone in favor of some more extensive ones on her arms.

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For her? Not super invested in NPC appearance changes. Especially after 30 flavors of thrall from cataclysm → shadowlands.

I would steal her look though. I could wear it better.

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The new one isn’t bad; it just isn’t Alleria.


Mid. It’s not terrible. It’s not that great either.

The old one should be her default look. She changes her outfit to the newer one when she goes into void form. I’d be fine with it

I don’t care about her Void Mode, but her High Elven form should remain High Elven