I actually really like the asymmetric look for her because she is an archer. The first thing I noticed was her gloves and how one side has grips and the other has exposed fingers. I then thought about how maybe it’s easier to move her arm to aim if there isn’t anything there.
I don’t like it as much as her original model/colors, but it is what it is. The colors especially seem really washed out. She already has very fair skin and fair hair, giving her a mostly white outfit is just overkill.
That said, I haven’t seen the model in action. It may have animations and glowy bits, like how she turned black/purple during the cinematic where she was first infused with void. It may be that the basic model is intended to be relatively plain, so as not to overpower the void effects they’re going to give her. If so, I think that’s probably a valid artistic choice.
Her new design is WAY better. I like how they worked the character arc into the clothing, just like with Xal. With Alleria the design is all about balance, which is brilliantly done.
Factually, she isn’t white and silver - the design is white and black. It should go without saying that any metal should be designed to look like metal, which they have done, and thus is fine.
I would like everything remotely related to the void to stop looking voidy. I’m so sick of purple and swirls and voidy puff of smoke - and I love purple.
The old gods were from the void and didn’t have all this purple going on. My biggest concern now with anything void related is it will turn into some shade of purple just like anything Legion related must be green. Makes things visually bland and boring. Next expansion Midnight - The revenge of purple.