I don’t think they’re quite finished with her model yet, tbh.
She looked like a basic NPC ranger before and looks distinct now. Her Void tattoos down her arm look awesome!
Yeah, I don’t really like it and think it’s a downgrade. But I’m also sick of NPCs looking way cooler than my characters anyway so it’s whatever, works for me.
In addition to the tattoo over her left eye being gone, did you notice that she’s now right-handed rather than left-handed (the heavy-glove holds the bow, the finger-glove draws the string, and those swapped sides!)? That’s seems like a pretty obvious oversight on the part of the model designers!
Of course that could just be an inverted (mirrored) image that was posted erroneously on MMO champ for her “old look.”
Especially if the tattoo will now be some kind of glowing Void fissure down her face, they probably haven’t finished and applied the effect for it yet.

I don’t like it. Not only did they remove the iconic hood and color, the new one doesn’t even look voidy. It looks like some sort of templar priest archer with all the white and silver.
I think it’s supposed to be Silver Covenant themed.
Agree, but I hope they star curse the hair in game.
I like it. They need to give her tattoos to Void Elves now. Beards, Tattoos and scars for everyone!
I see her old model and wonder why I can’t have hair like that . . . I see her NEW model and wonder WHY CAN’T I HAVE HAIR LIKE THAT.
Is it to much to ask that we get some hair styles that look like we actually wash our hair? Or didn’t just step out of a nightwish album cover? Apparently given all anyone gets now is new hair colors . . .

she lost her face tattoo
Maybe it was never technically a tattoo, but part of the Void inside of her showing through.
Notice she has an arm “tattoo” now. Maybe it moves.
Bad. She looks like an Overwatch skin
Her hairstyle from the front is giving Karen.

Maybe it was never technically a tattoo
It wasn’t a tattoo. It was war paint. Always has been.
Tattoos don’t just disappear, so bad.
love her hair, miss her funky tats. love the asymmetry in her outfit, miss the colors of her old ensemble.
No question what this entails.
It’s not like they have any choice but to continue down the whole “Void Elf” path given where the overall story is going. It was an awful idea in Legion, and the only saving grace for it was giving Ren’dorei the option to pretend they weren’t.
But now it’s center stage, and so the Alliance’s greatest ranger has to get back to her shift in the 90s edgelord cheese factory. Blech.
Generic and uninspired. They should have gone with what she looked like at the end of the seat of the triumvirate cinematic.
I think her hair style is worse than the art depicted it, tbh. It’s awful. The art looks great, even though it doesn’t look like Alleria as I know her-- the in game model still makes me feel like this could be a whole other NPC.
shes had that since wacraft 2 WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Has she? I’ve honestly not paid that much attention to it.