The nelves won darkshore

probably not even then

Tyrande: We won the battle we are so awesome.

Everyone else: Uh they just left cause the war ended weeks ago and they wanted to go fight Nzoth.

Tyrande: Yes WE pushed them out by force and nothing else possibly could have made them leave but my superior leadership even though I was absent the entire battle after the first 2 minutes.


it obiviously ended in 8.1 as you have to do the warfront to unlock the quest, so yeah she defeated the horde army of forsaken and goblins


I’m still waiting for Eitrigg to forget the war is over so I can complete my Heroic Tour of Arathi achievement.

“Consumed in life by hatred, these fallen soldiers of the Horde and Alliance battle each other eternally on the fields of valor, rising and falling in glory

Should be the description of a new BG for Shadowlands or something

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The quest still doesn’t seem to be in the game

Not that it would matter

cause the alliance doesnt have the warfront

EU players have reported that it’s not in the game for them

Again though it doesn’t matter since Darkshore will be the next and last zone to go to the Horde in the next faction war

Seems it’s unlocked when you win Heroic Darkshore, which has only been available Alliance side so far in the EU.

its both normal or heroic, either or, which NA alliance hasnt done yet



Grats on winning Darkshore. I’m surprised mention of it actually made the game rather than being a sidenote by some NPC next expac.


Hey remember when you lost the war, I do. Its must be fun losing so many warchiefs

fixed it

Factions take turns. Horde was irrelevant in Legion, then got all the production value in BfA, and probably will disappear for Shadowlands again - Horde is already absent from 8.3, for that matter.


Alliance fans love to harp on this, as if we should be happy that our faction’s turn at the spotlight was an exercise in destroying and dividing it. News flash: a fully rendered video of dogsh!t is still dogsh!t. I am sure you will argue that getting “four full CGI cinematics” means that we should now sit down and be happy to let the Alliance get another expansion of hero spotlight and development.

Honestly this argument irritates me beyond any other. It’s rank with false equivalency and bad faith.


I have to agree bfa did the horde dirty just painted you as goons for the big bad. The story for bfa as a whole just terrible for everyone involved.


Yeah, Night Elves too. It’s pretty bad when you are envious of Gnomes and Tauren because Blizzard refuses to give them any time.

Honestly, Dwarves kind of have the best lore TBH. Their civil war in Cata ended with the uniting of the Clans. Their former racial leader has become the Speaker of Azeroth. Dwarven tech and tanks (Now even Mole Machines and Dark Iron Fire magic) are consistently seen dominating major Alliance warfronts. IMO the Dark Iron models are the best looking Allied Race.

Maybe I should just play Dwarves, man
 Blizzard clearly doesn’t want me to be a Nelf fan.

Edit: Not to mention it’s the Dwarves making all the discoveries about Titans and Old Gods, and Elves being mutated Trolls.


No where did he say you should be happy and if you read the post he responded too you horde sure love lording your sweet production value when it suits you


Probably, you’re better off playing any race that’s not Night Elf if you care about the story. But if you want to play Night Elf you’ll have to deal with having nothing left in wow (lore wise) and still losing over and over again with no positive events ever.

the difference is that the Horde got high quality GCI cinematics as the villains while the victims of the BfA events got nothing more than a few low quality cutscenes.


This is why I play a religious radical that believes in racial divinity of the Kaldorei. It’s just a big middle finger in response to the destruction of Warcraft world building.

I think the factions’ aim in the war has changed since almost all Horde leaders have joined Anduin.

I don’t think of this expansion as a victory for the Alliance, we team up with a genocidal Orc to take down a mad Elf.

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