The nelves won darkshore

well its not gonna be a allied race, so its either just a npc update, loose data, or the rumors about belves and nelves getting dark ranger skins is true

I don’t think we should jump the gun and make any assumptions until we know for sure but all we have to go on for now doesn’t seem to point to them returning to Alliance as a new customization option any time soon.

I would hope maybe that would change since I don’t really like Horde having repainted Night Elf things, but I don’t expect it for the moment.

either way this part literally cant happen, the datamining was for night elves and belves models not nightborne. And blizzard already said that shadowlands will not have allied races.

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Or the Night Elves have already taken Ashenvale back and all that was left to take back was Darkshore.

This is absurd.

In the War of Thorns pre expansion event, the Alliance player retakes Astranaar when the Horde army is trying to pass the wisp barrier.

After that, we know in the table missions that the horde is being sieged in the only 3 bases they still have in the zone: Zoram’gar, Silverwind refuge and splintertree post. All those events are in the game, therefor, canon.

Why in the world can anyone think the horde control ashenvale? thats pure headcanon.


cause hordies upset they lost the war

My take is that it was a very low priority project for Blizzard and took this long to actually get finished.

Not true. There will be around 20 murder hobos.


To be fair they didn’t lose since both sides agreed to a armistice. One could say the alliance gave up on the war cause slyvanis is gone.

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changing your government is usually what the loser does

This, more or less. Your conclusion is actually more logical than mine, though we got to the same place. I was flying north manually for giggles, and had a shot of Stromgard’s towers and banners against the sunset, and said, “yeah, Blizz isn’t making this place a ruin again.”

I agree with the sentiment that it would have been nice for the Horde to win one, but the issue was exactly what Blizz said- they set the damn things up in some pretty Alliance-lore heavy areas. Darkshore for the obvious reasons, and Arathi being the homeland of an old (and what remains of it) current Alliance member.

A better (albeit pie in the sky) solution would have to have, say, an Azshara or Ghostlands warfront. It would have both shown the Alliance on a more plainly offensive footing, and give the Horde something to plainly win.


The plan was to not let the horde win, its a anti war story, not a pro war story

the moment the horde ended up as the aggressors that should have been your red flag


Wow, i never thought of it like that.

Actually sylvanas won both warfronts.

This was my biggest hope when the Barrens Warfront test strings were datamined. I don’t want to lose Stromgarde now that Danath FINALLY got to come back to it, and, well, Darkshore - 'nuff said, but it bugs me that the Horde didn’t get any warfront win.

I do hope that the orcs get to keep Hammerfall, though - or at least get a touching quest where Gor’mul and the other orcs can reflect on its history and find closure as they leave.


They did rebuild Hammerfall with more Horde architecture for BFA. Would be kinda weird if suddenly the Horde was just… not there anymore. Else why rebuild it at all?

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Not always the case governments have lost wars and kept their governments intact.

the horde lost and had a change

Armistice isn’t a surrender they changed government style but they didn’t surrender did they. They could have said that horde surrendered and lost but they didn’t.

Just saying who actually achieved there war goals, only one faction did that and its not the horde

To bad we won’t see the peace talks until probably shadowlands so it’s all up in the air until than.