The nelves won darkshore

Engaging with Kat is a mistake. I suggest you cease.


You don’t get to claim status quo while saying you gain something.

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Thank god you’re not a dev, and thank god the game says otherwise.


The game doesn’t though as the only thing Alliance has involving Ashenvale is the mission table and Horde has counter quests to that. Let alone the only to tell a faction war story that doesn’t end up circular is stuff like this where different factions within the larger groups gain and lose.

Further read my first post, if you’d retaken Ashenvale you’d be celebrating in one of its towns instead of a strip of wilderness in Darkshore.


what did we gain, we gained nothing

if we didnt retake it, tyrande would be yelling about it to anduin

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She’s yelling the Kaldorei won’t consider peace though until Slyvanas is dead and Shandris is telling her they need the alliance’s support.

If it was just hunting Slyvanas and Nathanos you don’t need that, Sentinels and Wardens are viable counterparts to Slyv/Nathanos ranger skills.

thats why they go do, tho, they dont attack the horde

Well, I tried.


The absurdity of my comment should have been a good indicator that I wasn’t being serious but I do understand what Danuser was saying. It’s a stupid take but not a surprising one, since Blizzard has a similar stance on the Chronicles series (narrators of those books now being considered unreliable instead of it being the de facto rule of law like it was originally suppose to be).

Hence, why it’s a stupid take, which led to my stupid joke.

I don’t really care that the Alliance won Darkshore. I’m not even sure what the Forsaken would do with it. It really has nothing to do with them lorewise and in regards to Lordaeron it couldn’t be more tactically irrelevant.

Arathi bugs me more but I figured Stromgarde was going to remain. It has a lot more work put into it’s assets and it seems like an actual town. The bit with the mage’s tower never gets destroyed and looks like the infrastructures there for profession trainers, innkeepers, a flight master etc.


never was that not even mezten said it was

Prior to Chronicles Warcraft’s lore was spread out over various novels / comics. Chronicles purpose therefore was to consolidate that info whilst also confirming / denying what was canon officially.

So yes, it was suppose to be the rule of law.


I don’t get why darkshore is supposed to be a “big deal” when Ashenvale has historically mattered more for the Kaldorei.

Because decent in game cinematics are reserved for showing how sad Jaina is.


Blizzard never said it was they said it was a collection of lore and that it still is

These cinematics are most definitely my least favorite type. I hated it in Uldum during Cata and I hate them now. Although Uldum was worse because it had no VA.

and Saurfang


At this point I’m pretty sure that the Horde has Ashenvale. The writers like taking away things from the Alliance and give it to the Horde. They took Night Elves, made them undead and gave them to the Horde. I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it with Ashenvale now.


If I had to guess why, I’d say because they decided to resurrect the corpse of two zones from two previous expansions we got done with and tell the entire Old God story within just those two zones instead of making this a worldwide issue like what happened with the Legion.

That, and Blizzard is just never really good at putting good use to groups who should be active in the fight. This is one of the worst skeleton patches rushed out because they’re all busy with Shadowlands and cutting corners, so I expected nothing less than the Alliance and Horde being sidelined despite them wasting dollars crafting cutscenes to tell us how the Alliance and Horde are fixing to get involved.

It seems like the only real point was so Magni could go get his weapon back and be more than just a quest dispenser yelling “CHAMPION!” every 5 seconds.

post proof cause all the datamining says they are gonna be a skin for nelves in shadowlands

Wait, really?