The nelves won darkshore

its really sad to see people not understand want danuser was saying cause they have salt in there eyes

So does that mean ashenvale is in full horde control than and there’s no push to get it back?


I (personally) believe that this was meant to take place after the end of the Darkshore battle/scenario in the timeline. And then they would of off-screen mobilized forces for Ashenvale while the Champions of Azeroth focused on “bigger threats”.

Maybe it was just something that Blizzard intended to scrap, but due to the BFA ending/Epilogue they decided to add it in for some closure/sense of victory?


If the Horde was still controlled by the Horde you would expect Tyrande to yell and scream about it during a peace accord with the Horde and not Sylvanas.

Besides, even during BfA proper Ashenvale was a battleground according to The mission table

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I think its so horde players didnt have to feel like they fought in a losing warfront


Honestly whoever holds onto what is kind of up in the air, since theoretically with N’zoth and his armies on the loose neither faction should have the forces available to continue occupying conquered territory.

On the other hand, despite everyone’s talk about needing to end Sylvanas’ reign so they can face the Old God’s minions (arguably the reason they all squared up outside Orgrimmar when they did to oust her), both factions are predictably absent everywhere those minions have appeared, since as soon as a third party shows up to threaten their world the player factions revert back to being pathetically useless for anything outside lobbing rocks at each other in the background.

I just spent half an expansion fighting for these losers. Where are they now that it’s time to hack apart cultists and bludgeon squidmen to death? Why am I constantly expected to pick a side and root for these idiot factions when they’re both so utterly worthless whenever their involvement would actually matter?


I know it’s a typo but I still find this hilarious because, from a certain point of view, it’s pretty true.


Preach gurl.

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Along this line of thinking… it is always possible BfA has a surprise ending leading up to Shadowlands, where Azeroth dies and it turns out we have to go to the Shadowlands because we have no where else to go?

Sylvanas saying we won “nothing” and are “nothing” all the time would be fitting. But that is unlikely.

I would say that is the Blood Elf credo as we participate in these Horde shenanigans… except many Alliance fans who enjoy non-human races express similar sentiment about their Faction.


There’s been a bit of a mix-up recently with Warfronts where heroic mode opened earlier than intended on EU servers, so perhaps this quest was meant to spawn once Heroic Warfronts officially opened. While we’re not sure of the exact reason why the quest spawned over the weekend, it appeared to pop up for players once Alliance started contributions. It is unclear if this quest has spawned on both NA or EU realms, and what is the precise criteria to spawn it.

Interesting, so this seems to say we aren’t sure why this quest is available yet?

I wonder if there will be a version for Arathi, versions from the Horde’s side of the story, or whether this was just a bone they threw to Night Elves.

The forsaken still have Andorhall and/or Tarren Mill they could build into their new capital under their control.

Alternatively Stratholme or Deatholme would be alternative new homes.

Deatholme hasn’t had anybody unliving there for a while and forsaken could help whacking down the ferals that won’t stay dead in Eversong.

Stratholme at last check as of Legion has improved to mildly spooky where its not really good for living people yet but if the Argent’s want it to be inhabited and further recover forsaken moving in would help.



The push to get Ashenvale back is in the mission table missions. We even get an achievement for it.


That… was just some music, basic talk animation and some camera rotation.
How long did it take them to develop? 20 minutes?


the number of horde who seem to think Alliance defending one of their core zones is evidence of Alliance bias is disheartening


I think part of it was that Arathi had been confirmed as an Alliance victory right beforehand, so a chunk of the objection to Darkshore is just an objection to losing both warfronts.

And, while I’d personally disagree with the underlying logic, I think it has some similar emotional impact on the Horde as the Alliance retreat from Org in MoP had on the Alliance: a sort of “You wrote me here, you wrote my successes here, and now you’re unceremoniously turning around to tell me I’m weak and terrible and kicking me out? For a victory which doesn’t even feel good for the other faction?”

Just… blah. Faction wars need a -lot- of effort to make each faction feel good in the aftermath, and this story looks incomplete and rushed.


Agreed. I haven’t personally witnessed any posts from Horde about being angry over Darkshore’s warfront loss.


The only objection I have is that they wrote the Horde only capable of winning an atrocity and then losing every other conventional engagement they wrote, all in a row, and sh!tting all over the narrative along the way.


Yeah the bad guys shouldnt win


Wow isn’t a morality play or kids cartoon (even then once in a while the villan wins at time for the heroes to learn a lesson).

Further Arathi being traded off for Ashenvale fits the ending of this war of a mutual peace since neither Alliance or Horde leadership wants to keep fighting.

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its a game thats rated t for teen

Q: Who won in Stromgarde and Darkshore war fronts, lorewise?
A: Canonically, the Alliance wins in both. Key old alliance locations, felt right for the story.

I really doubt that blizzard will give the horde anything if this is the reason for the warfront

everything is obiviously going back to the status quo

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