The Nathrezim quest will randomly not progress

Please see the below thread for this quest. Randomly does not progress if you are mounted or get ahead of the Stonewright in any way.


I’m at the same part. I abandoned and relogged.

The quest progresses up to Mal’Ganis stating Nathrezim! Bring me her fangs and nothing else happens.

Stuck at 0/1 Dawnkeep Investigated.

Try accepting the quest off your mount. Then walk behind the Stonewright (in the opposite direction of Dawnkeep) until she starts running into Dawnkeep. Then just catch up to her (still not mounted) and stop where she stops. There are like three different area triggers here that have to work correctly in sequence and this is the only way I got it working.


I stopped at 10 times. No addons, no mount so those weren’t issues. Stonewright did following things : ran straight to the stairs with no dialog, dialog started but no npcs changed, dialog started Mal’Ganis changed but npcs at bottom of the stairs didn’t. The couple of times it did work Mal’Ganis kicked my butt. My hunter pet couldn’t keep aggro or growl wouldn’t even trigger. Are the stone things that drop down supposed to do anything because mine just froze in various locations and stood there frozen? I knew it wasn’t just me because 90% of the people trying it were saying they were running into problems too. I’ll wait for the fix.

Imagine if Blizzard had a realm open to the public for testing things like this.

I’ve abandoned it ~6 times. I accepted it while dismounted, stayed behind the NPC the entire time he ran up to the other NPC, been waiting here ~10 minutes while he channels his thing on the Suspicious Dredger. The farthest I was able to get was him revealing Mal’Ganis but no attackable things spawn after that. I haven’t been able to get to the Mal’Ganis part for a while now. Constantly stuck on the Stonewright channeling his thing on the Dredger.

Fix it, Blizzard.

I posted about this in the General Forum and am unable to finish this. The Stonewright runs to where Mal’Ganis is but is constantly channeling to the Dregdger. I abandon the quest, relog and try again and the same thing. I’ve tried this about 14 times so far to no avail.

dropping quest, dismounting before accepting worked for me

Yeah I’m thinking Kael and the Stonewright channeling Mal’ganis are supposed to weaken him somehow. I had to blow everything to finish the fight and also stay alive on this toon and you can see that I’m fairly geared. Entire quest is in shambles with bugs.

make sure you’re not mounted, turn off addons, accept quest. when the Stonewright is talking to Mal’ganis re-enable addons if you want and then you should be good to go

I have done the following to progress in this quest:

  • I have turned off all addons.
  • I have dropped the quest
  • Relogged
  • I have attempted to accept the quests on both sides of her
  • Let her sit for a while before engaging

And none of that hokey pokey is helping with progressing in this quest.


Done all of that many, many times.
How sad is it that no one is surprised this has happened?

Even when this quest works, Mal’ganis does a reduced damage buff to you while hitting you for 40k. I’ll wait and form a raid for this boss when its released in the next raid. I’m not struggling over 500 anima.

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Well, considering this is part of the campaign, I’d really like this all done. I don’t care about the anima either.
I was able to get the first part down, killed by Mal, nothing came back. Had to abandon–and now this Sinwhatsit is just chilling there, doing nothing–and now nothing is happening.

Just. Why. xD

worked perfectly thank you!

Okay, but she legit yeets all the way to the place and I cannot catch up to her with my slow undead self. I have done all this COUNTLESS times, and it doesn’t work at all.

Gold dust, thank you

Same issue. Please fix this ASAP. Tired of resetting it only to have it bug out again. My time has value.

I finally got it to work after about 20 attempts. I just started dismounted stayed with her while she ran, and then when the conversation started stayed several yards back. Maybe it was that, maybe it randomly decided to work after about 20 attempts lol

Turn off Addons(My issue was Immersion), Relog, and don’t stray too far from Stonewright. Worked for me with the bug.

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Funny bug for me as it phases me out of the whole thing, can’t see any npc’s or players and even if I run or ride up to the dredger the Stonewright will start channeling and nothing happens.