Unsubbed too, Korthia and M+ killed it for me. Am on FFXIV, I started it before it was cool (by two weeks lol). I’m worried if the endgame is gonna feel the same, but at least until I get there it’s nice to have something new to do. Also, man the community is pretty nice, I was in Ishgard and there were like 600 people lined up like it was a parade for the streamer to come through, it was pretty cool.
Every post you make is negative. I wonder how you are in real life…surely the life of a party I am willing to bet.
More like 75% but only because GD posts deserve it.
Ok…I won’t disagree with that…
So you’re playing the polished version, years after the original release?
For sure, I’m just joking, I know I’m late to the party.
Hah, right on. I was just pokin fun.
The game has come a long way since it released. I’m curious to see how it grows.
Damn chonky you crazy… I thought I had a lot of time on my old account with 13k hours but you got more than double.
That’s like 13 years of a full time job. I would be fed up with the game as well. Do you actually work and support yourself??
Forget wow and ff14 - Download the mobile game raid shadowlands! Get your visa ready you are just a few transactions away from elitism!
looks awful
You make zero sense. So you played 27,000 hours in vanilla thru wrath? ?? LOL cow troll.
I think they got about every last drop out you.
Way to strike while the iron was hot! EDIT: Spends 8 years designer…ing?? a port-folio and not one second looking up the word “portfolio”.
13 years of full time work spent playing a game. 8 years coloring up a portfolio that was never submitted. You seriously need to reevaluate your life outside of video games.
(post deleted by author)
30,000 hours of your life playing wow lol? You’ll be back, and you should seriously find a new hobby for your health lol
Sitting is the new smoking isn’t it?
Already did that, been Casual Since Cata,
Apart from Classic Launch.
Actually, probably have only been back for 12 days total, past 5 xpacs, to see how bad they are. Not interested. Most of the pro’s moved on.
I gotta ask whats with all the people who throw their “resume” out and say they were TOOOOOOTALLY gonna apply to blizz until insert some random thing convinced them blizzard is quite literally cuban germany china squaresoft?
That is over 3 full years of time of just pure gameplay. Might be about time to try something new then.
Not sure about anyone else. But good on them.
Inspired me not to waste my life away in an office/anywhere Corporate.