The Nail In the Coffin, 27,000 hours game-time

Yes i do agr agree

the game went downhill after Wrath imo

Nah, I don’t like FFXIV, I think I’ll stay subscribed to WoW since I am enjoying it.

I don’t know what will happen when I play, and definitely not doing it for what someone else says on a social media platform.

Some people already know this: I never played a video game until I was 52. My sons had played since Warcraft 1 and I paid for their subscriptions as teenagers.

I got a life threatening illness that required…stuff. To help take my mind off things when I could they taught me WoW in Mists. They stayed through Legion, but the changes for them were written on the wall and they quit. I kept going. I was now a die hard fan & even defending BFA.

I’ve been a bit afraid to try a different mmo game. But, honestly, this casual, six month constant subscriber is getting there and son already downloaded it - idjit, (long story how) without telling me until today when I told him how I’ve been feeling about Wow.

Yes, I watched the Asmongold video of him playing. A guy I swore I’d never watch. And, yes it peaked my interest.

So, after hating all the ffiv threads, yes, I’m curious. That’s all for now.

I imagine for usual gamers this is no big deal. For me to leave Wow is.

So, said my peace on the subject finally.

Not agreeing or disagreeing with the OP.

I just want to know what portion of the Code of Conduct was violated requiring the post be flagged.

Looks like yet another case of someone confusing the Flag button for Dislike.

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There’s a couple things actually, but I’ve seen them used elsewhere and not get flagged. Depends on the group hive.

No, FF14 is terrible.


Just remember why you play. To take your mind off things,
They also talk about the Emotional Attachment that we all have to WoW.
Blizzard were once a Golden Company. Who stood with Soul.
Do not like to Support The Greed.
Competition is good for the market consumer, There is no saving WoW,
Just remember why you play, you should also have fun,
Classic WoW is highly enjoyable, end BC SunWell Content + WoTlk Classic will be fun.
New World RPG’s will be a worth-while investment for you <:)

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27,000 hours means you have given Blizzard enough revenue to a point they are like “Gotcha” and "Ka-ching "

Haven’t played since MoP, So Ka-Ching,

Dude you are just diluting your self.

Ff is absolute horse sh!t. Period.

Weabooo animie no factions. No interesting fantasy world. Just animie stupid.

You are probably garbage at pvp too. I will actually beat you so bad in a duel that you’ll be sent to the shadowlands.

Constantly spamming about how FFXIV is allegedly better is ensuring that you’ll just annoy WoW fans who actually enjoy the game enough that they won’t try it anyway.


I’m downloading it rn gonna try it out because I’m not having fun in this game anymore

Then what you doing here? and before Mop … quit and never come back to make your point don’t keep returning expansion after expansion cause that what Blizzard wants you to do , early sales and done :sweat_smile:

I urge people who want to play other games to do that and stop trying to sabotage this one. Not happy? Then leave. Want to play other games? Then do so. No one is married to this game, but geebus just stop trying to advertise that crap game here.

So you think people here are 15 years old? Children don’t play this game. That was a poor statement.

These two comments right here tell me that you are lying and trolling.

I’m Here because Burning Crusade Launch. This is my previous shaman was original s2.

He left his main account in his other pants.

I have an extra-ordinary amount of time in the game, 4500 hours per year, is not difficult with 1 game.
100+ days in a variety of characters
Most people had multiple-toons on ICC farm @ the end of WoTLK. I myself had a warlock with 90 days. hunter with about 60. Warrior, DK< Shaman, etc few alts.

You’re right, really I quit during Cata, evidently. Also dis abandoned the guild I was co-leading. We progressed far in WoTLK< Most didn’t stick around for long after.

Way ahead of you. FFXIV is objectively better at this point. Maybe WoW will return to its former glory, but it won’t if it keeps on its current path.