The Nail In the Coffin, 27,000 hours game-time

Take a look at what a polished cinematic is supposed to look like.

This is what quality is…


No I’m not some random person that needs to flock to the mmo everyone now deems the promised land. Sorry you don’t like the game anymore though.

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Kiddypool numbers.

That’s quite the compliment to the game.

Oh my no


Plus I haven’t even finished final fantasy 13 yet.

Ah, URLs. The phonebook of the internet.

Watching a troll self destruct is always facinating.


The fact that this world of warcraft toon is probably older than half the audience of retail is laughable.

Do that. I’d advise one you played before to have chars and money set up.

Why after the dailies done I fire up eve of late. Shared play time till sub runs out. Wow looking like a come back 9.3 soon unless rng stops messing with me.

9 years there, high powered main and alts. Lots of money lol.

It has its issues but it has upsides. Like open economy and no BOP/BOE. Really want an item, its not dropping when I try to run the sites for it myself? Buy it.

Didn’t get the 100 mil item. Made 100 mil running sites to get it? I deem that working for it well enough.

Some go well if you got what you wanted that easy you’d stop playing. In eve you buy what you want to fly it like you stole it. There in lays the fun.

I think of a cool ship build on paper (well an computer tool called pyfa). See if i have the parts for the new ship. If I do…take them off another ship slap em on the new one. If not buy them.

Then go see how that ships handles in the game.

Posts like this leads me to believe this is a concerted marketing effort by paid trolls.


IF you had been around, as long as me, you would see things, the way i do, and many others do. Like Post Berlin 1920’s.

Just helping gamers find happiness.

See I wish I could tell them how to make korthia work better not waiting for daily resets on rares. But I can’t. If you dropped a fat juicy consumption today and got diddly squat. Try again tomorrow.

I in good conscience cannot advocate developing an online gambling habit with 1000 stygia loot boxes we can’t even pick slots.

Now to be constructive here this like benthic would be fine. 1500, maybe even 2000 to pick that one slot I want? here you go, 1500 stygia. Given with a smile even.

Quit many years ago, be4 the game got bad, that is how i enjoyed every hour, while i could, i was able to jump on the boat and escate before the iceberg sunk the ship and swallowed those unfortunate to stay onboard.

Are you guys being paid to post adds about FF-14?


Did they actually make the Roll Back to refresh lvl 60 again in ShadowShadowLands 9.2 top kek to make it seem more like Vanilla/Classic Numbers? Haha funny, how come no more level 170?

So you have just gone completely off the rails eh OP?

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Tin foil…

this also had an ilevel item squish that killed raw gold farming. Vendor sale based off this and even the best of the best of say ICC or even Legion gear is peanuts gold wise.

Also ranks lower than even crap greens. So you can’t twink like you used to.
Crap greens for jsut breathing in SL start at 100. top non SL raid/dungeon gear caps at like 50.

Whoa that game is still around?! I played in beta and early launch. It seemed pretty cool. I don’t remember much of it now though.

I forgot about it for a while after launch also before coming back to it, to be honest. They remade it to have more action oriented combat and titled it Legends, though I think they also keep the original game running as well, just without other updates.

How DARE you be a voice of reason!

We can’t have that sort of nonsense here!

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It must be true its on the internet!
I’m playing both. FF14 only good when done with wow for the week :P. Othereise its nothing that great…GW2 was better.