The moto of Remix by the community is

you wanted to act like you are something your not and i put the facts in place to put you in your place

‘Put you in your place’

and I thought I had delusions out the wazoo. Imagine actually typing that out on some forums.


The only actual exploit that has been reported on was the Gate Farm and the exploit itself was pushing beyond the hard limitation of generating 10 new instances per hour.

That was an exploit. Real exploit.

Frogs, goats, Dalaran, anything in the open world - not exploits. No legitimately broken systems were taken advantage of (bugged world quests or something similar) and those farms were all done using the systems already in place that are operating as expected.

You don’t seem to know what an exploit actually is, do you?

aww youre being cute, like a younger sister.


They’re using this as the definition:

make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

a system put in place because people couldnt do quests, being taken advantage of (some might even use the word exploit here) in order to farm a currency that was intended to be gained over weeks and not hours?

your whole point was ‘BUT I DONT WANNA’ so im not sure he wants you to support his stance

What are you on about?

Nothing was explicitly put in place - it’s all pre-existing systems, all of them.

The only one that was clearly exploited was the instance generation limiter, the rest were objectively not exploited and people who farmed were playing the game, believe it or not, in a normal manner. Complete goblin mode, but still normal nonetheless.

Also, who determined that this currency was INTENDED to be gained over weeks and not hours? Where is it from Blizzard and specifically in writing? Where?

You make a lot of assumptions and then get mad because of these assumptions. As well as getting mad “on behalf of others”. Who do you think you are? Stay in your lane and stop telling people how they are and are not allowed to spend their gaming time.

‘it’s all pre-existing systems, all of them.’
correct! however, the hyperspawn system was originally put in place to stave off frustration of those doing quests, though. that’s why it’s exploiting.

’ Also, who determined that this currency was INTENDED to be gained over weeks and not hours? Where is it from Blizzard and specifically in writing? Where?’
maybe im crazy here, but when item upgrades that do not give you anything outside the game mode begin costing more than the cosmetic reward point of the game mode, it starts to seem like maybe this is their version of determinism. i may absolutely be off base here, but it seems pretty glaringly obvious to me, from a game design standpoint.

‘Stay in your lane and stop telling people how they are and are not allowed to spend their gaming time.’
oh ok, like you just did or?

Huge demand for frogs in a small sub zone, hyper-spawning kicks in to provide adequate supply of mobs for the high demand. Works as intended. Might not be how it was originally envisioned but the system did exactly what it was meant to do.

Yes, you are off base regarding the gear upgrades and bronze acquisition. Your takeaway is, once again, only supported by just your subjective interpretation of it and nothing else.

Lastly, I did not tell others how to play a game they invest their time in and didn’t go full on generalization mode - you did. Your deflection attempt failed.


I spent an entire raid reading this and I’m still not sure what it’s meant to say.

‘Might not be how it was originally envisioned’
so… they’re exploiting the weakness of the systems inability to differentiate?

‘Your takeaway is, once again, only supported by just your subjective interpretation of it and nothing else.’
and youre aware of that and are still upset that im advocating for my personal stance?

’ I did not tell others’
but this is how i want to invest my time, why am i not allowed to use it the way i want?

wow that was a quick raid! i wonder how fast it will be in a month smile

My word, I wish you would learn to quote properly.

this is my first time being let down enough to come to the forums about it. idk how to use them, sorry.

Highlight the phrase you want to quote, click quote. If the edit window is already open, it will put the quote where your cursor is, if not, it will start a new post.

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Weakness in the system - breaking the instance generation hourly limit = exploiting.
Farming mobs in the open world in a way how it’s been done in Remix so far =/= exploiting.
How hard is it to understand?

Your personal stance sucks and you are attempting to push it onto others.

You can spend your time however you like and, believe it or not, spewing your opinionated brain dead nonsense on the forums is …fine. Just don’t expect others to blindly accept what you are saying with little to no critical thinking whatsoever.

im mostly just upset at how hard it is to identify groups that discourge mob farmer players or those that didnt want to use ward of salvation. if that’s your game that’s your game, i didnt realize how important being infinitely powerful was to some people, but it’s just so hard to avoid as of right now.

The irony is that people probably used the gate method to try to catch up to froggers because Blizzard took frogger method away but let them keep the power gains.