The moto of Remix by the community is

you, yourself, have already said that it’s using the system in an unintended way

that is textbook exploiting, not sure what else i can do to clarify, sorry.

No, it isn’t. There is no exploit involved. Blizzard programmed them to spawn quickly and they spawn quickly. The players didn’t program them or change the code in any way or cause the frogs to act in a way that Blizzard didn’t intend for them to act. They just turned up and killed mobs.

Been playing wow decades… this has been the case for a long long time… curious to get Jason Thor Hall opinion on the frog farming… see how old blizzard would be handled it vs current blizz.

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It would be interesting to see if he weighs in on this.

this is a ‘rule as written’ and ‘spirit of the rule’ situation. the spirit of the system, is to allow players to quest without struggle. what the system was being used for, was players hanging out far far beyond the amount required for questing, because it happened to offer increased rates of reward.

continually using a system not as intended, is exploiting. a similar situation would be bosses exploiting workers before employment laws were commonplace; was it strictly speaking illegal? nope. was it morally or ethically questionable? yes. did they know there was a line somewhere that they were clearly crossing in order to drive profit? there is a 100% chance that was happening. exploiting.

The problem is that you’re working from a different definition of exploitation than everyone else. It makes conversations with you really difficult.

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i genuinely believe im coming from a reasonable direction on this, though. if we turned the tables here, would you like being forced to look at adverts every time you went to turn in a quest? that’s not against any sort of rule anywhere, but that’s exploiting your desire to play the game for ad revenue.

This is why conversations with you on this is difficult. You come up with analogies that make no sense.

dunno, just seems like the simplest terms to ask if you’d be okay with blizzard exploiting your desire to get serotonin from the loot frame for their gain.

Only because you are working from the first definition of the word ‘exploit’ and not the second.

is there another definition of ‘exploit’ as an action being done by a player that im missing?

You are using this:

  1. make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

Everyone else is using this:

  1. make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.

Although it is probably closer to this:

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

ope, there is that little not intended word that people seem to be ignoring!
the system was intended to raise spawn rates in questing areas that have a higher demand, frog farming was not the intention of the hyperspawn system.

How are players meant to know that killing a mob and collecting the item that drops from a mob, which drops the same item outside of the event (in a game designed around killing mobs and collecting items) is not intended?

The frogs, still, currently, outside of remix drop the same item.

Should we stop killing all mobs, just in case one of them is dropping an item which is not intended?

those players would have to be even more disconnected to the community at large than i am, to not know. wowhead’s article even specifies this as using the system as unintended.

im only here because it is nearly 90% chance that the groups i join, even if nobody has frog level health bars, will ask to use ward of salvation after 30mins into the clear. that was changed but it happened again this morning after someone insisted that it’s still worth it. my coming to the forums for the first time ever is because its impossible to pug without the exploiters.

It does now, after the nerf. It probably didn’t before the nerf, because no one other than Blizzard would have known if it was intended or not.

And what is your problem with using this?

really? i did, but maybe i just wasnt as excited about the idea of infinite power as the mob farmers were so i could stop and think.

same as being overpowered 6 days into the event. the content is just blown up and i dont get to play my class. as a tank that’s excited about memory of vengeance coming back, those players just suck the joy out of it, from my perspective. i expected it eventually, but not day 6.

You didn’t. You may have suspected. But that is different from knowing.

No, what do you have against people using Ward of Salvation? It’s a tool that you’re given as part of your meta gems. Do you object to people using all meta gems, or just that one?

your wasting your time here he is to far gone to be reasoned with he is only looking for his own personal experience on how he wanted the remix to go ignoring every other time in wow history that an infinite grind was available

where else in the whole game, exists quest mobs that both naturally spawn as fast as the frogs, as well as drop loot that makes them worth farming?

check change logs around the spell. it no longer scales with anything and has a cap. people were putting 9 wards on 1 person with a healing increase in order to pop the damage component and down bosses in seconds. honestly, id sooner group with mob farmers than ward of salvation exploiters, just because the farmer still has to touch buttons.