The moto of Remix by the community is

Exploit early exploit often. this has become the community moto for remix and this is disgraceful. Blizzard has butchered this for fun game mode and made it a way to much of a grind for people who had jobs and lives. People who were able to sit and play are miles ahead… Ran a heroic msv and had a single balance druid basically solo the whole raid. With the nerfs blizzard has made its not even possible for players like me to even catch up. Im not in the camp of this shouldn’t be allowed, im in the camp of if your going to have these kinds of things you need to either roll back or keep it in the game so everyone can benefit not just the early exploiters exploiting often…


i refuse to believe that the community should be allowed to absolve themselves of responsibility. blizzard isnt perfect, nobody is, so to say ‘they should’ve known’ is frankly disrespectful given the sheer size of the game and the consistent demand for more content. metaphor being just because you can get away with robbing a bank, doesn’t mean you should rob the bank.

it’s the difference between ‘rule as written’ and ‘spirit of the rule’. the spirit of the rule was to do the content and get stronger and stronger the more you farm; these people take the rule as written and farm whatever possible to the point of removing the game from the game. they aren’t farming content, they’re farming mobs. they aren’t farming for cosmetics, with how long theyve been on it and how strong theyve become.

honestly, these people should just avoid playing with non-frog players, their experience of the game is different and will always be different. people abusing bugs and oversights for personal gain should aim to only play with people also looking to do that. i’ve left so many groups, some after the first boss, because someone decided to say ‘why no ward cheese?’

Is there some reason you didn’t just post this in one of the other threads discussing the exact same subject?

It’s not like your take is discerning or even original. In fact, it just a regurgitation of the exact same narrative so many other posters are pushing here.

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This is the motto of WoW in its entirety, not just Remix.


any reason you posted your spam on my thread?


Back in Plunderstorm people were praising the storm wall as some sort of deity. Now people are playing whack-a-mole with various farming methods while Blizzard hotfixes them out. The community has its quirks.

How dare you insult the Stormwall by comparing it to farming hyperspawn mobs!

Praise the Stormwall!


moto is: If blizz is tone deaf players seek for solutions. I would not blame players for this unfun mode


what tone are they deaf to? players that want their cosmetics 3 days in to the 14 week event? players that want to mob farm in order to 1 shot the intended focus of the event? sorry, im just a little lost.

tonedeaf to gear upgrade costs. There is no advantage besides you going crazy in raids. hc and mythic does not provide more bronze.

most players abused cause of the gear upgrades not the transmogs

95% of the blame is on the players. As usual.

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the blame is but not the fault
100% blizzards responsibility here they screwed up we didn’t
was intended until it was unintended
it was not an exploit until it was an exploit when our overlords patched it


the gear upgrade costs, are the same price as a set of cosmetics.

again: 6 days into a 14 week event about farming. do we maybe think that the gear increases might be there to have something to do for the remaining 13 weeks?

point is they dont have any advantage to transmog farmers. Friend of mine bought three rare mounts already and I funneled everything into gear just because I like big numbers. But I think he was way smarter xD

The hyperspawn is older than the Stormwall. That’s what happens when you teach frogs shadow clone Jutsu.

so you’ve had your fun, can you stop logging in now? so those of us that didnt abuse mob farming for 12 hours can have fun?

I didnt abuse it at all. Never went to frogs. There are other ways to farm power

rad awesome love it, can you stop logging in and joining pugs and removing the fun of actually doing the content and the satisfaction of gradually getting stronger and stronger for the players that would like to play the game in the way blizzard had intended?

stop trying to police peoples funs

right but your fun is insulting and disrespectful to the game.
your high school bully was just having fun, why were you angry at him it was just for fun anyway right?