The moto of Remix by the community is

I do understand it. I know why it’s there. But it doesn’t make standing around in the area and killing them, an exploit.

sounds like a skill issue LOL

you mean killing the mobs by yourself? the frogs just spawn that way no matter how many people were there so stop talking about something you actually know nothing about

is that why robbing a bank isnt a crime?

Motto of the community is to whine harder than a 2 year old.
See: OP.

Are we in a bank robbing game?

no but nice try i guess

Or else wait a couple months for it to be fixed.

DH, you seem to be very upset by all this for a very impulsive reason of “if you don’t play a game how I want you to play, you are wrong and are a terrible person”. Do you need to lay down and calm down a little?


yes :slight_smile: robbing the frogs of their bronze because you have 12 hours to play the game and ran out of content or werent good enough to do it

it is very specifically identified as an exploit by blizzard and you say ‘nu uh’
that does make you the bad person in the situation, yes.

I didn’t farm the frogs. Just for the record. I am enjoying arguing with the morons who think killing mobs in a mob killing game is cheating though.

Am I the only one in this thing who hasn’t even hit 70 yet? I only get a couple of hours a day to play and I’ve been having a blast with it. You can’t tell me all this yelling isn’t being overdramatic. There’s no chance Blizz ever intended people to earn Garrosh’s shoulders in week 2.

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exploiting and cheating are different but i cant expect you to know that, sorry :frowning:

who is talking about running out of content? your putting words in peoples mouths… who wants to farm the same raids thousands of times at like 8000 bronze a raid that takes hours to do without cheese or froggers. you are just delusional of the amount of effort that needs to go into a FOR FUN MODE


i know exactly the type of person that you are, kyle.

some people have fun challenging themselves, and thats why we mythic raid instead of standing attacking frogs. in fact, there’s not 8 total raids to do if we include season 4 raids, but 5 of them are loot pinatas because of you.

Oh, of course, you’re working from the first verb definition aren’t you?

In that case, farming resource nodes in retail is exploiting. Or killing everything in a dungeon is exploiting. At that point the word has no real meaning.

“we mythic raid”… (has 0 cutting edge achievements so obviously doesnt mythic raid)

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community should be talking about the issues…thats what community forums are for. Are you not aware?

you arent even level 25, why do you care about my CEs?