The moto of Remix by the community is

because killing frogs and gaining player power is physically harming you… thanks for showing your casual mindset

How are players supposed to know that they’re not meant to collect items dropped by mobs in a game designed around collecting items dropped by mobs, especially when those same mobs, currently, even after the nerf, drop the same items outside of the event?

Should players stop collecting items dropped from any mob, just incase it isn’t intended?

im getting the feeling that you might not be the best at reading the room, or reading into subtext. you also might just be a child, but i could be wrong. these farmers went out of their way to create a hyperspawn environment in order to gain an inordinate amount of reward currency, how is there any plausible deniability in that?

absolutely wild.

Blizzard created the environment. Not the farmers. 2x4 Farming is well known throughout the entire game.


plus this frog farm has existed in this game droping the same items since Mist of Pandaria 12 years ago

you are again willfully ignoring the reality of the situation. you can just say you have too much free time and are upset the new content made quickly and released for a limited time doesnt have enough content for someone that plays 12 hours a day and we’d be done with this already.

im sorry why does that matter? it was an exploit then and it’s an exploit now.

I’m not upset at it though. You are.

no it sounds like you have an issue with the fact that blizzard does, why else would you be here?

It wasn’t an exploit, now or then. It was farming mobs, in a game designed around farming mobs.

I have an issue with Blizzard does? Does what? Are your tears interrupting your typing?

it always has been but back then, the point of the game mode wasnt to re-experience the content of the expansion quickly, it was the content of the expansion.

it is currently clashing with the point of the game, and that’s why it’s been revisited as an issue by blizzard

you are the one upset that the content isnt lasting long enough we are upset that we have to spend weeks farming a for fun mode for cosmetics i was enjoying it till they removed the good method for bronze now its going to take 70 days to get everything im sorry but i dont want to spend all 90 days playing a game that doesnt matter

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Then don’t play.
Simple is, simple as.

Or continue to spend your energy whining over this. It’s a funny look.

No, it wasn’t, Blizzard programmed the mobs to drop lesser charms, Blizzard programmed the mobs to hyperspawn. Players farmed the mobs, in a mob farming game.

if you were doing it for cosmetics, you wouldve been done by now with how much farming you could have done.

but you aren’t.

for some1 who is hyper invested in “re-experience the content of the expansion” spends a lot of time on the forums defending blizzards poor choices

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ah ok so you dont understand the hyperspawn mechanic, no this makes a lot of sense given how obtuse you’re being and how far youre stretching to not be the bad guy here.

so you have to go out of your way to create the environment, and even further to stay in it. the exploit begins when you’ve decided to use a mechanic intended by blizzard to prevent frustration from a lack of mobs to your advantage. if it didnt exist, you seem like the type to be complaining about that lack.

you are beyond dense… you need to upgrade your gear to a decent level to be able to kill things fast enough to farm more to get enough bronze to buy all the mounts… because people have lives i went to bed went to work the next day 13 hours later the farming was nerfed and the game mode was ruined

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aw man hes back to avoiding the point of the conversation because he thinks hes the one making me upset :frowning: