The most powerful Horde council member

You mean while Talanji was running right next to her?

You saw what Bwonsamdi could do during the zuldazar raid. I say a full powered up Talanji could face Jaina in direct combat. If Bwonsamdi grants her his full power of course. Past Talanji couldn’t do that. Things have changed since then.

Then Bwonsamdi can beat Jaina. Not Talanji.

the Jailer is afraid of Jaina. There’s no way that Bwonsamdi can defeat her.

You do realize that the Jailer is just toying with her right? He knows there is no way Jaina can escape the Maw on her own. He’s just waiting for her to tire out.

She has had 10000 years, seem like enough time in-universe if you ask me.

And I repeat, she acting all kouhei towards Jaina literally killed any possibility of her being depicted as anything different to “less than Jaina”.


(shudder) I had mercifully suppressed the memory of that.

Gentle reminder: We lost the oldest troll in existence, a prelate of Rezan who could’ve stood toe to toe with the Alliance’s champions (if they weren’t protected with plot armor.)

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Thalyssra. Talanji boosted with Loa power is probably the highest tier in theory. if bwom gave her all his juice as a priestess of bwom she would be able to do some pretty terrible things.

gazlowe is probably on par with jaina. if given enough time he could craft a weapon able to do anything she does, and it probably won’t explode the user.

Lilian could probably stand toe to toe with jaina if it came down to it. not sure they would be able to take eachother out but she def is being slept on.

Guys, you cant claim a difference in power on the one hand and in the same time a plotarmor of alliance chars on the other hand.

The alliance charactere are stronger, so the hordr charactere have the plotarmor, which protected them to be killed by their allianz foes.

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I mean, it depends on what you mean by most powerful, honestly. If you mean in a toe to toe way, them duking it out, that’s different than sheer power, because power doesn’t always mean a win in any fantasy setting. Give Baine a bow sized for him and some arrows and he’d be able to turn pretty much any of the other leaders into a fine mist, but he can’t call on the power of gods or the elements.

If Thrall gets his full power back, then he’s the most powerful. Talanji and Thalyssra would be a close second and third, I think. People who say Thalyssra is weak basically ignore context of the entire scenario so they can take shots at Jaina, but Talanji is more powerful than she is at this point, though if it came down to a slugfest it could go either way.

Jaina: effortlessly solos the Jailer’s armies.
Zahirwrite: there is no plot armor

Jeah, because jaina is so powerfull to beat some of the jailers army. Like us, the pc.

Thats not plotarmor, thats her power. Your headcanon=/=plotarmor or lore

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Your headcanon=/=lack of plotarmor or lore

the difference is: she is so powerfull because she do it. Right before us player.

Its again a dread headcanon show. Before that she foughts against 20 sc player und survived.

zahirwrite: jaina can solo the jailer’s armies. she just doesn’t finish the job because reasons. she definitely doesn’t have plot armor. right guys? r-right? h-hewwo?

Like i said…dreads headcanon…and he can’t even read.

Read its not so difficulty. The jailers army will loose against us heros aswell.jaina is a nsc with “pc hero status”

So, Jaina’s plot armor cheapens the plot of Shadowlands and Zahirwrite’s headcanon doesn’t negate that it’s a legitimate problem. There’s been posts all over the intertron since Plot Armor Jaina began soloing the Jailer’s armies calling out how ridiculous it is. “Why am I even fighting? Just send her to do it.”

But of course, Jaina a human mage, does not have plot armor even if she can’t be killed by the most powerful death entity in all of existence.

You act as if we’ve been following Thalyssra’s developments as long as Tyrande or even Jaina. We have not.

Thalyssra didn’t exist to the player until Legion, where she was stuck within the confines of Suramar for a period of time, and then destined to die as a withered outside of the city. The journey/development opportunities are not comparable at all.

As I said, give her development time.