The minimal effort carry me crowd

Depends on how you define competitive. You would definitely be the best at getting globaled lol.

I’m just going to assume you’re in agreement that it was much faster gearing in WoD since you keep deflecting the question.

You just said you started at the beginning of season 2 in wod. We are now 3 months into this season. if you start at the beginning of any season in any expansion, it won’t take you long to be competitive.

You know what I’m asking but seem to be afraid to answer. Would I be competitive in BfA under the same circumstances? No, I would not.

Doing BGs? Nope, not likely. But timewise you can be if you prioritize.

That doesn’t take away from the fact there was still an equally massive power creep from a fresh max level to a geared one at the end of every expansion.

I can ding and be ready to run BGs within an hour or two in BfA without gimping my team?

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You couldn’t do that in wod at this point in a season. Stop being obtuse.

There is always a power creep, it’s just that in WOD it only took a couple days to be able to enter the arena scene.

In cata it could take anywhere from a couple days to a week, the progression was entirely up to the player.

Right now if you are a fresh 120 without any fully geared mains you have to spend a couple weeks upgrading that cloak. And also you have to farm a azerite traits which can be gated behind raid content, quests, or reputation grinds.

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You know what this back and forth between Vo and Jugs need… a commentator.

-Vo targets Jug with mortal strike
-Jug pops evasion

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Just needs more like Jd being a voice of reason.

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No way, have you ever seen the real commentated arena matches? #Snoozefest

“Wow, he landed a full duration Polymorph”!

-Jug tries to cast misdirect onto his pet JD
-Vo does not fall for it


You keep trying to deflect an answer by begging the question and arguing semantics. If I dinged near the start of S2 of BfA would I be ready to play BGs? For that matter, with Ashran I could have probably done it with maybe a little more grind at this point of the expansion. You’re talking days of a PvE grind vs an hour or 2 of (at least in theory) a PvP grind.

-Vo plants a freezing trap
-Jug uses vanish

At the start? Yea you could.

Lol, poor Jd, he can only handle so many children.

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-Jug retaliates with a kill command
-Vo uses shield wall

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When did you work on your druid? Did friends help? Did you have a stock of Benthic gear to send to them? It’s not a big deal to concede the point, it doesn’t prove the hypothesis.

-Vo uses taunt and then aimed shot
-how will Jug recover!!!???

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