Been doing all the content just fine using LFR, world quests and such. I don’t do mythics either. Highest level content I do is visions which I can do just fine by myself.
I’ve solo’d keys as prot paladin. It was only a 4, during S3, but I’d love to try soloing a higher one now. Just hard to get a key!
Ironically when I reviewed my talents at the end, I has made some dumb decisions. Like taking the bubble taunt. Who needs that in a Solo run
You’re having difficulties acquiring any key?
I mean getting on to a low level without subsequently locking myself out from running instance content later. Dropping a 17/18 to a 7/8 would eat up my 10 instances. Or did they change that recently?
I don’t know why, but this post makes me shudder. Why even play an MMO without the party of lads to excel, progress, and get stronger. That’s the whole point of an RPG. To become the most powerful neck beard and destroy the noobs.
Enh, but to each their own.
Just 10 instances per hr I believe. Can always wait a 2nd hr or 2nd day.
If there’s any evidence of what competitive min/maxing can do to damage a game, look no further than Classic.
I guarantee everyone 500 Gold that developers saw how fast Molten Core and Blackwing Lair was cleared, and how ridiculous PvP got and were utterly terrified of it coming back to retail.
Case in point:
The thing is, it was never an issue before covenants made it an issue. I’ve been playing a Tauren warrior to the best of my ability, sifting through sims to find that little bit of extra dps and RPing along the way since I was in 8th grade and I’m pushing 30 at this point.
If covenant abilities are a talent row instead of locked to a specific covenant, I’ve got no beef at all. Being pushed into a choice between character power and aesthetics is where the problem lies, and it’s a choice that shouldn’t have been pushed in the first place.
Yeah true. I just don’t know why the guild will be doing or if anyone else wants to run a dungeon - and I’d be locked out for that. The event itself is involved, wish the dungeon set up/keystone drop wasn’t. But that’s probably half of the fun - the anticipation
Being fair, isn’t alexensual the guy who got banned from lights hope awhile back for being a total tool and/or complete douche canoe?
I.e. never in WoW’s history has your raid performance mattered to what old world Xmog you want to farm, or old mounts you collect, or pet battle, or rp, etc.
This was true back in the day, when doing a dungeon with friends felt like an excursion from Lord of the Rings. Mythic Level 18 with these quantifiers attached doesn’t feel the same.
Well, because I’ve been playing this game since vanilla where I used to do cutting edge progression with naxx, guild fell apart before TBC after clearing spider and construct wings, did some light raiding in TBC only making it to like magtheridon and then the guild fell apart (casual guild).
Then recently with BFA got aotc uldir and then dazar’alor released and guild fell apart during progression of that.
TLDR: I got tired of the constant drama of groups of friends making guilds and then falling apart over something stupid. Some of these friends being IRL friends (who are no longer friends, because of a game).
Yes. In the same spirit of fairness, Alex thinks he’s god’s gift like most over-competitive people.
And sometimes it’s fun playing an evolving, persistent MMO even if you don’t always group up. It makes the gameplay more interesting to me. If I may add my thoughts with yours. Just because it’s an MMO doesn’t mean all those players are in party. But all those players help create the environment we may find ourselves in.
You’re basically comparing one type of mentality to the rest of us.
I may cuss every now and then but the thing is if you have high enough standards situations like the ones he was in rarely if ever happen. Progression is a normal thing, if you want to progress in mythic you had better expect dozens if not hundreds of wipes especially if it’s a difficult boss.
People learn at their own rate when it comes to anything, I typically only need a dozen to 50 pulls, others need over 200 but it’s a group effort, I don’t look down on them as there’s 20 people in the raid and you never know their number for each individual boss.
Classic did bring a lot of people back that quit retail a long time ago as well, most of them are private server players, I’m guessing at least 1/3 to a half, the other % is made up of people that think the 4-7 buttons in retail is too complicated and the others are retail players being burnt out and waiting for SL if they even want to go back to retail.
But to sum it up if 1 out of 20 people is wasting the groups time it’s logical to remove that 1 person for the dozens if not hundreds of other people you can get to replace them. If they’re dying, body pulling or just pulling crap numbers why wouldn’t you remove them to make the overall experience better.
Being competitive can be a charming trait sometimes, but… eesh.
This is why I like going with pugs a lot. Though, most of them aren’t a efficient. You’ll sometimes find a diamond in the rough of a good player mixed with a pretty cool personality.
I don’t do 15’s or mythic raids, but I still like my character to perform the best with what it has at its disposal. I don’t like being a burden to my groups.
A fellow man of culture I see.