I mean when you get into stressful/emotional and dramatic situations you tend to find out who’s a true friend and who isn’t. As far as playing solo I don’t care if you do or not, just enjoy what you want and how to do it as far as I’m concerned as everyone will find worth in something different.
Me personally if raiding wasn’t fun at an end game level and mythic + wasn’t introduced to make the game even better I would’ve quit long ago, haven’t paid for a sub since wod in other than gold but I’d argue I even enjoyed wod and the expansions beforehand and not all of it was because of raiding but it is my primary goal and has been since like bc.
Exactly. I’ve been leveling so many different classes and toons of different races and enjoying the smaller things I never had the chance to do before.
I’ve farmed t-mog sets, I’ve started collecting mounts and pets and trying out caster classes which before I couldn’t stand.
And the best part? No drama anywhere to be seen. No expectations of me to perform certain roles at whatever level people deem necessary to progress.
Truly a breath of fresh air that has reinvigorated my joy in the game.
Never heard of that guy, just know he needs to take something or counselling, if I was a streamer with a community large enough being toxic is probably the last thing you want to do to grow that community, I can understand there are plenty of ignorant or lazy people out in the world but you’re going to run into those all the time, just gotta set your standards higher and or find friends/guildies that fit those standards and move on.
This understandable. I’ve been in Mythic guilds that have failed miserably and made me quit the game for a couple months. I come back and feel like leveling a character or doing some battle grounds. Something casual, ya know. I slowly start to find my love for the game again.
Yea, because you’re doing current progression and progression is naturally difficult.
Classic, however, is fifteen years old that has no progression. It was a clever experiment by Blizzard to see if they could return WoW to an era of Vanilla.
And boy did that experiment yield some fantastic results.
His name blew up in the private server scene because he got banned from one of the bigger vanilla private servers and stirred up a whooooooole lot of drama.
Tbh other than m+ which I only do 1 17-18 a week because it’s very close to the same as a 15 and I just want my residuum although I probably wouldn’t benefit from the gear other than a trinket at this moment.
All I do is my mount farming but I have almost all of them now at least the ones I want, along with mog. Just finished up my argus mog the other day although I knew it was fugly it was still worth farming up with the low % drop chance, took me maybe a month on two toons to get all the pieces which I’m happy for. But other than that I’m running out of stuff to do which sucks so I hope they add more low % drop mounts in SL that are great looking.
Btw I only farm mounts like alars/invincible/guldan mounts etc. I typically don’t care for most of the mounts in game gated by rep/vendors and such. I think the only vendor mounts I like are the bruto and maybe the golden mech w/e it’s called I forget off the top of my head, the opposite of the felsteel annihilator.
I don’t mind doing the pet battling thing every now and then but I wait for the squirt event to boost them all up as fast as possible as pet battling is so boring when you’re leveling hundreds of pets in a few hrs.
I never bothered with private servers but weren’t they ran by the playerbase and not blizzard at the time but they ended up basically breaking the connection and deleting them because they started thinking about making classic?
My mom, believe it or not, is a pet battle fanatic. I could never get into it myself, but I just have her level all my pets and give her any she wants/doesn’t have.
Been thinking of having a kid to farm for me and do exactly that, kind of like how people have kids to get a bigger check from taxes.
I don’t know if I could wait the 8-15 years and 9 months for them to be capable of farming me herbs and such. Too long of a commitment. I’ll just go learn to multibox.
There was something calming and enjoyable about mining in rs for me I donno why but I don’t see how people could farm up to 99 on all of the professions/skills that are available in there, it’s crazy to me tbh. I’m sure plenty botted but I’m guessing there are quite a few that didn’t just like multiboxers today in wow. I never did really look to see if there was a meta to level in there either, I just wandered around kind of like I did in vanilla.
I had over 550 kills on two toons for invincible, just ended up buying the next one off the ah for 1.1 mill. Bfa was a joke to make gold, wod was alright although I didn’t hop on the garrison train and I’ve hated leveling since vanilla because I had like 6-8 60s in like 3-5 months time, I’m still burned out from it and it’s even hard for me to level to cap to the next expansion because I just look at it like a chore to get to the actual game.
Another friend of mine finally quit runescape after 15 years and over a year /played because he got his max cape (max level in all skills). Max level isn’t even 99 anymore for a couple skills, it’s 120.
Yeah, I’ll probably eventually maybe get like a small group of friends together to do some fun stuff. However, dunno if I will ever get back into progression raiding at any point because it seems to just ruin the whole mood of everything.
I remember fishing barehanded in there for sharks, it looked kinda cool on a 2d like game lol, this was before all of the improvements I believe but not at the start.