Over 80% of us don’t touch mythic 15+ content or mythic raids. The argument that content needs to be catered to the minority of players is exhausting and needs to be stopped.
I play this game for fun, to collect cool gear, beat people without said gear and show progress on my favorite characters. I DON’T play this game to have a 2-5% advantage over people and exclude them from content.
If you’re the type of player who intends on excluding people from dungeons/raid because they didn’t choose your preferred play-style, you’re what’s wrong with this community.
At the end of the day, min-maxers will do higher end content and that’s fine. But to pretend you’re the majority of the playerbase is strictly false. Your demands should reflect that.
Feel free to debate me. I’ve been playing this game since 2009. I have never once felt the need to min-max to have fun.
You aren’t excluded, you can do 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 keys, you can do lfr norm and heroic as well, you have pet battling, world quests and dungeons, you have unrated instanced pvp as well as rated and you don’t even start losing rating until you get over 1500 rating. 90% of the game is catered to players like you, you just tend to over reach to content you aren’t prepared to do, but blizzard over caters to you anyway, not having to step into a mythic raid and still acquiring a 475 ilvl shouldn’t be possible in solo let alone 5 man content like the weekly cache and vision as far as I’m concerned.
Why do people get so bent out of shape because strangers on the internet have different goals and don’t want to play with them?
I personally don’t like to tie sandbags to my ankles and do the same things I have worked hard to prepare for to do with like minded people, if we were forced to play with the masses this game wouldn’t exist for me anymore.
Because it’s very clear in the forums, people are raging about covenants and player choice. They seem to think that meaningful choice hinders their experience as min-maxers. They’re extremely vocal about it.
And why do the non “min max” community feel they also have the authority to dictate how the min maxers play, talking about it like it’s some crime on the game
Turns out their as bad as the min maxers
Because we’re the overwhelming majority.
No one cares about your 2% efficiency.
Most if not all the raging comes from people that aren’t even in a bracket for it to bother them and expect to get good players to carry them but they refuse then get butt hurt about it. If you don’t want to min max to get on someone’s level no one is forcing you to, there are plenty of normal and heroic raiding guilds and that’s all they do.
How many times are you going to comment?
Right there tells me, you don’t really understand what most players are asking for. Cause the current system, is something nobody should want. period.
As a non min maxer the covenant system is competent ruining my off meta style game play that I enjoy because I get locked out of choices that I need to bridge the gap to make different builds work, or use the ability’s as the foundations for the builds I think will be a lot of fun
It’s not that min-maxing is bad, however, it’s this perception that what is good for +16 and Mythic is the best for Heroic and +15 and it bleeds into the community.
If we could change the community perception that a meta is for Mythic Raiding and +16 keys; anything below that is far more flexible that it doesn’t require a meta.
Dont even see the point of this post? Play how you want, gear and setup character how you want but dont expect to get into high level pve with wrong stats/setup. Each class and spec has optimal stats and talents and playing others in the name of fun is fine but also detrimental to to others in group.
TL:DR - You want others to carry you and are blaming the community for ur inability to play an optimal setup
Well, if you’re not min maxing all these issues shouldn’t affect you at all. Good for you. Play the game the way you want. If the min maxers enjoy min maxing, let them.
That’s a bit selfish since there’s roughly 20% of decent players in this game and blizzard is known for it’s e-sports stuff although I couldn’t care less about the top 1% either. there are still people that do get top 1-500 on mythic clears that don’t take the game super seriously but do intend on progression.
If the game only had an easy mode even players that didn’t get anywhere would quit, what’s the fun in facerolling everything.
Another way to put it, you ever put cheats on a solo player game, it isn’t fun is it or it may be fun briefly but you end up quitting anyway.
why do bad players always make threads attacking competent players?
Why do ‘competent’ players hide behind alts?
Just don’t do keys over 15. I don’t bother and don’t care whatsoever what they do. I mock them, disagree with them, argue against them getting their way when it impacts me like getting Covenants nerfed into a samey boring mush and so on but I don’t really care what lemmings do in their little try-hard bubbles.
You can do whatever you w ant with your keys. Anything at all. Just don’t take try-hards. Anyone with too high an IO I exclude. I don’t wanna hear about how the MDI strat is for my yolo +15 I do weekly. I just wanna faceroll it and saving 30 seconds from the run by doing it some weird annoying way is meaningless to me. I don’t take any other melee either. Why? I don’t like other melee standing near me. That’s it. It’s my key, it’s not hard or serious content, it doesn’t matter if it’s optimal or not.
I do what I want, they do what they want. You can too OP.
You have no idea if you’re the overwhelming majority
This system is bad for people who enjoy M+
This system is bad for people who enjoy pvp
This system is bad for people who raid
This system is bad for people who do more than one form of content
This system is bad for casuals that want to see all the story
This system is bad for people who experiment with builds
This system is bad for people who play different specs with in the same class
This system lastly is bad for die hard min maxers
Funny thing those who lead, innovate and know best are always a minority.