The min-maxing community is toxic

In legion and BFA you could farm both systems and eventually have all the best option for each of your 3 specs, it sucked but we at least had the option to do it and not get locked into 1 spec. I would take that over being stuck on 1 covenant.


I agree with the helping part, I disagree that this game has a community anymore, as far as I’m concerned it hasn’t since before they made realms CRZ.

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I’ve tried to make sense of this thread… is this about covenants?

OP wants us locked to covenants semi-permanently.

Since you see the first half of all 4 stories while leveling, in Shadowlands, I want to be able to finish the stories at max level.

The current covenant system locks you out of 3 stories, so you only get to see how one of the stories ends.

I want to see all the stories, OP wants everyone to just see 1 story.

Which of those seems toxic??


There’s still somewhat of a community, it isn’t as strong as it used to be, but it’s still there.

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Citation needed


It’s funny how you’re being the toxic one by making a thread while the min-maxers just do their thing.


The community is its own enemy.

OP wants to control how everyone plays by not letting people finish the stories. Seems pretty toxic to me.

Too many bald dudes on the internet telling others how to think.

It’s all subjective. The game is simply giving you options. You, as a player, are attaching subjective situations onto those options.

The game isn’t telling you to pick between what it thinks you like and what it knows is the best ability.

So then pick the one that appeals to your character the most. It sounds like you’re struggling with two identities; one is the RP, character driven side and the other is some faceless calculator flashing numbers in your general direction.

Too many not bald dudes that don’t know how to think telling is why it’s bad to think because it’s too efficient and toxic

I’m not bald, my hair’s just… thinning a little bit. :cry:

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This is why I play solo now, much less drama and I can take anything and everything at my own pace regardless what the community deems is good/bad.

There’s literally no skill in classic as far as I’m concerned, just getting into a decent enough guild that clears all the content in mere hours after it’s release and being one of the people to get geared up first so it’s not a very good comparisson.

Vanilla although identical was a different story because no one knew what they were doing, information was scarce and few and far between. Thottbot and allakhazam were terrible sites to get anything from. You can reroll in classic, it entirely depends how much time you put in and like I said if you’re one of the loot masters favorites.

As far as the wrong covenant goes, we’ll have to see how it pans out but the majority of the gatekeeping I can see is going to be whether you choose the teleport or not, the teleport will be required in some groups I’m sure if they haven’t nerfed it or removed it since the last time I looked.
Being able to skip packs of mobs is a great thing but when you lock it to a single choice it’s a bad idea at that moment you chose to do it, so I see them opening up covenants somehow or even reverting things later on.

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Which is kind of hypocritical in a way;

‘Don’t tell me how to play the game’.
-In the same breath-
‘Hey developers, change the game to how I would like to play.’

Good luck with that on an MMO, man. You gotta group with people at some point.

Oh you

To be fair, there are Demon Hunters who can solo M+ keys.

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For me I don’t mind having people express their opinions but they’re just that. The only time I take them seriously is if they’re making a good debate that’s logical and benefits everyone but typically they’re one sided from someone that doesn’t have a clue about what they’re talking about and typically the thing they’re complaining about they aren’t being affected by kind of like OP.

The game is like 80-90% catered to the casual player and he doesn’t realize it is, he clearly didn’t understand that when I said it twice before which is fine I don’t care if I change their mind or what ever, they don’t affect me one bit but if they choose ignorance over logic/truth that is most of the country so don’t feel bad.

Yeah, that’s pretty true. Too bad only a min/maxer can do that.