This is an MMORPG at the end of the day I’ll put emphasis on “MMO” because you have to play with other people.
Ever been kicked out of a raid, dungeon, or arena for taking the wrong talents, being ungemmed, or unenchanted? I assume so. I would assume everyone has at some point or another.
What I’m trying to say is the meta is unescapable. At the end of the day, you need to adhere to a certain meta to get into groups, and to overall perform well in certain encounters. Yeah, you can take whatever gimpy build you prefer, but at the end of the day no one is going to want to play with someone who holds their team back from progressing, it’s absurd. This is how Min/maxers feel.
Min/maxers just want to have fun with the game just as much as the next person, but when were not given the tools of choice, or Blizzard just makes it harder for us to reach that goal we’ll complain about it, just like any person would when their fun is being jeopardized.
It isn’t toxic, its just an elitist outlook but typically if you have a brain you can usually decipher the best choice if you’re looking for it without looking at a guide but if you want to do group content and in a bracket it matters then yeah choosing mass entanglement on a single target fight may not be the best idea, or fighting in bear form when you’re resto or boomy.
But this is why there are different tiers to this game, you aren’t being forced to do anything you don’t want although at some point it may affect your progression.
But that’s the thing is you’re trying to play with people that have different goals in mind and expect those around them to be the same or similar as well, maybe don’t play with those types of people if you can’t do the same in my opinion.
I don’t play with lfr players, why would I, the content they do is boring to me, doesn’t have any reward and is a waste of time in my opinion, I don’t enjoy or care about the lore or what ever they might. I don’t shame them for it, do what you want to do with your sub time. Just don’t over reach or learn when you’re.
I fail to see how the game making me choose between the covenant I want to play and the one that’s “best” isn’t a game issue. There’s no need for it to have been a choice at all.
Not really? I play a character I like, with an aesthetic that I like in a way that I like. I’m not some big balls mythic raider or anything, but I enjoy doing the best I can with what I have (talents, flasks, augment runes etc.) Whether that be in LFR or heroic dungeons. Do I NEED to pick the best covenant ability? No, but I’d like to while sticking with an aesthetic that works for me as well.
I agree with this fully but the thing is you don’t have to raid heroic or mythic, you can stay in lfr and normal, no one’s forcing you to get better there, heck even heroic guilds may accept you if you’re constantly dying in heroic content and they just play for the social aspect of the game. There are quite a lot of guilds that never step foot in mythic.
So go give feedback on it.
Divine toll is useful for all three paladin specs in all forms of content. Obviously being better in AoE situations.
Which one is useless from paladins? They all seem useful in all aspects of the game.
Things like mirrors of torment for mages is garbage and needs to be changed. While I don’t think EVERY covenant ability is good, I still don’t think making them talents to be swapped at will a good change. And I never will.
“un-acknowledged feedback.”
Right…Didn’t they JUST put up covenant threads for people to give direct feedback for every spell a few days ago?
It is not just shadowlands, for the last 2 expansion Blizzard has made it harder to play more than 1 spec. Covenant system just seems like the worst one yet and that is comparing it to legion legendaries and artifact weapons grind.
You at least had the option to farm all of that, but in Shadowlands we are essentially “locked” into playing on a subpar covenant on our off-specs, if the one we choice is not luckily the best for all 3 specs somehow.
You just answered the question your self, yes the system may be a bad system when it’s first implemented, it’s not out yet so we don’t know yet but if they do lock covenants I can see there’s going to be an issue right out the gate especially if they have any m+ or raid benefits that might be broken op like skipping packs with the venthyr teleport or w/e, I haven’t kept up on them but that would probably be my first choice since the last time I looked it was a few months back.
Hahahahaha, yep, casting a single Judgment on ret on a 1min cd is worth the Covenant choice.
I mean, if you wanna dive in deeper, there are issues like: the Kyrian signature ability cannot be used in Arenas. Been a problem for a while, no mention by Blizzard that it’s a bug.
Think whatever you want. The goal of the feedback doesn’t have to be “good”, but the hope is that things will be “better”.
Yep, and people, myself included, are literally retyping up the same issues that have been discussed for a month in the Class/Covenant threads.
Ultimately I think open or closed covenants won’t have the desired effect of “protecting” people.
I do agree with the thesis that choosing the “wrong covenant” can and will lead to some level of gatekeeping that won’t be fun. And this leads to a culture of “min-maxing” everyone using the same build.
On the other extreme I try to imagine if Blizz completely locked spec, talents and covenants so “choice would matter” combat gatekeeping.
The thing is though I think that the disparity between “elites” and “casuals” would just get larger and gatekeeping more extreme. And as new and casual players figured out the “meta” they would have to role whole new characters to “catch up”.
Unfortunately as much as one covenant speaks to as an “RPG”, I think permanent power difference is a large part of why Classic WoW is so toxic. There is no way but to “re-roll” and start over. And if you make a bad choice early on like being a Nelf Priest then you are seen as “bad at the game” bo matter what you accomplish with that toon.
Again, this isn’t a need. It’s a want. I’d like to keep the aesthetic that works for me while doing the best I can with what I have. I did run some mythic plus in legion, but mostly skipped it in BFA because I didn’t like the dungeons much. Maybe this is the expac where I finally buckle down and start taking it seriously? Or maybe I’d like to pick up blood. I’d like to be able to switch my abilities around should those situations arise.
Yes, I know. I find fun in helping my team mates progress and being the best player I can be. There’s a sense of satisfaction in pulling my own weight, and doing what’s right for my group even if I’m not a Mythic raider I still try to be the best player I can be.
WoW isn’t just a game, I feel, It’s a community, and back before LFD tool was a thing this was a huge thing for people. Creating a group or community, and that has stuck with me ever since.
Just play your best, and no one will complain, that’s how I see it.
Ever since they added titanforging/legendaries/artifacts/corruptions and most importantly AP systems it’s been very difficult to play more than one spec or even more than one character I agree. I heard they were going to make it easier for alts in the expansion. But as far as swapping between specs I forget if they’re bringing back tier sets but that would fix most issues in that instance, literally the only thing you’d have to worry about after that would be weps/trinkets.
Any system like AP should be account wide as far as I’m concerned and gear should be the only thing you need to farm up to be competitive, who wanted to farm maw of souls hundreds if not thousands of times just for AP? Very few after did after a specific level.
The catch up mechanics are nice as I quit for a year and came back and went from 65 on my neck to 90 in a week or two it was a joke.