Alright I’ll break my list down
This system is bad for people who enjoy M+
You maybe be forced into situations where you are actively forced to find someone from X covenant to get the buffs
Some of the abilities for classes provide no real enhancement for PvE (mirrors of torment, mind games)
This system is bad for people who enjoy PvP
Balance is already a mess and if we have something over performing here it will be amplified in pvp
Some of the abilities are just not suited for PvP (see night fae DK ability)
The difference between best covenant and worst covenant between two classes will decide the fate of some games
This system is bad for people who raid
Same issues as M+, I think this one may some how survive as the least impacted,
This system is bad for people who do more than one form of content
I’m a rogue, the night fae ability lets me get an extra stealth, this is amazing for sub - however this ability can’t be used in open word because it will reset mobs - this means I can’t use my covenant ability in torghast. Same applied for the venthyr ability on an outlaw rogue
Some abilities are far better for one form of content then another nercolords DK ability is really good for pvp, nightfae is really bad for pvp
This system is bad for casuals that want to see all the story
Have to reroll 4 times at least, however this is the least of my concerns
This system is bad for people who experiment with builds
With conduits and legendaries there are some amazing builds you can pull off, the downside of this is if I want to fully experience what I can do it will require 4 of my class to get the most testing done
This system is bad for people who play different specs with in the same class
Venthyr and nightfae pair really well with assass and sub, but not to well with outlaw - I wouldn’t pick these abilities on outlaw because I would get limited value out of it
Same applies to many classes, like shaman specifically and most hybrid classes
This system lastly is bad for die hard min maxers
We all know the reasons I don’t need to go into it
There you go; that’s a list of issues people have with the currently system