I don’t remember making that statement - I don’t think that will happen, I just think it will still be a massive pain in the back side exisiting the way it does and will cause frustration for a lot of players
You say that the Covenant system is going to ruin raids, M+, PvP, and spec swapping when in reality it would only effect the cutting edge content, where players would choose efficiency over fun.
I understand it’s exaggeration, but it’s objectively false.
I never said it was going to ruin it or make people not be able to complete content
I think you need further explaining so you can understand where I’m coming from because you seem a little narrow minded and you’re trying to twist what I’m saying to fit the narrative you want me to be pushing
Getting back on topic though, this topic is kind of a waste of time because 80% of the game is catered to those that don’t play very often/aren’t very good. The only content catered to the top 20% is mythic raiding.
Mythic + isn’t even catered to the top 20% as 15s are a joke even with normal and heroic ilvl gear.
The rest of the game is for the typical casual level, pet battling, warfronts, visions, world quests, pvp.
Just because m+ and pvp have a point at where you can’t get past doesn’t mean it’s catered to the top 20%, it just means you suck, so get good and research stuff and improve, otherwise keep feeding those sale groups more gold.
what is cutting edge content. Also, the group leader can decide of it matters or not, so to any group who thinks it matter, then it matters. People want the best possible chance to complete something most the time. Now there are outliers who don’t, but most of them play with friends and guildmates to have fun, not randoms.
This is coming from one of those outliers, cause god i hate pugging cause of the stupidity that happens in it. just did a +2 on my priest to help someone out and i think we had a dps afk and the tank pull 3 pack mobs at once, none of which was needed to complete the dungeon.
The casual rage filled people who genuflect their toxicity upon all around them are the true toxicity. Most people who love and invest tons of time in this game who raid or PvP seriously will min max to have an advantage. Thats always human competitiveness to have the edge you min/max. If you dont then you are more likely to fail be it schooling, working, training, any projoct or goal you whant to take seriously anyone will min max everything to pass that goal. To disreguard that and claim that wanting to ensure hard work with dedication and focus as toxic shows you lack focus or dedication to long term goals and that only makes a lazy person who lacks ambition for better hights. Hard work brings the best rewards.
Normally, you’d want to be the group leader with as many guild mates/friends as possible. I don’t understand the importance of making pugs an issue when the game is driven by social guilds.
is done purely to incite. I mean, how do you even justify a statement like that? It is ultimately unprovable. You seem to enjoy making inflammatory posts and coments, I’m surprised more of the stuff you say isn’t flagged. I mean, I won’t because I’ll probably simply mute you.
Not necessarily. There are some things that have merit. Waiting a forking week to change conduits is the stupidest thing still in the game; at least cut that down to a day or two at most.