The min-maxing community is toxic

I think your % of how many min-max is too high. I would estimate it is closer to 5% than 20%.

I do agree, they should mostly be ignored though.

My statement isn’t wrong; you can’t just say it’s wrong

Because ill just say you’re wrong too and you can’t prove it other wise


How is this:

…any different from this:

I’m trying to reconcile how you’re beating people with gear and not doing so without having some advantage.

I understand you wrote that you don’t exclude then from content, but you also didn’t write you help them progress in content either. What content does a min-maxer exclude folks from that you would want to touch since:


This is a bit dishonest at best, hyperbole at worst.


Perhaps you need to learn what a fact is.

Or the English language. Since none of what you listed is correct or factual.

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Would you like me to break it down so you can understand the concerns you seem to easily want to sweep under the rug?


and this proves you don’t know what your talking about. Nippyss is 100% correct.

The current system is just bad, plain and simple.

Again, something nobody should want.


Looks like he was talking in regards to the 80% having more control and being able to decide how the top 20% of the content is tuned. I disagree, you have 80% of the game available to you as a casual player, mythic and keys 15+ are the last bit of content the top 20% of players have in it’s current state.

You aren’t gated from doing this content, you just need to actually put in time/effort and acquire the know how to play your class, do mechanics and how bosses work etc., the only gating happening here is lazy/incompetent mentalities.

The information/guides are out there, wowhead/mmochampion/icyveins/class discords/ there are even plenty of individual guides out there that some people have made per class. Youtube videos are a big one as well.
But no most people want to leap frog content, get carried and get geared, it very rarely if ever happens which is why carries exist.


I forget I kind of wished I didn’t xfer over my account tbh, had 50mill before moving over to the new runescape.

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How do I block this priest?

Touche… lol

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I agree with you.

TBH I shouldn’t have labelled you as bad, thats my bad. I kind of zoned out of the primary topic! I actually don’t even min/max with either of my toons. Was really disagreeing with OP originally. But as someone who technically doesn’t even min max, I guess I do not.

On a side note, I support choosing the play style you enjoy the most, then making the most of it from there.

50m is chump change now

I’ve got a 1.2 billion GP bow

Times have changed haha

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you can alt f4 or just stop posting in a public forum.


Why would you want to? Because they blew your argument to heck and then struck up a conversation with a fellow poster?

Grow up. lol


Yeah I know but you have to realize I haven’t played in over 10 years.

you don’t, you just stop reading like any normal person.


Tell me how Covenants will prevent people from doing +15’s and Heroics, when people with un-optimized gear in +10’s can clear Heroic Nya’lotha?

Even this character can complete a +7 at ilvl435 with a non-meta build.


It doesn’t hurt them at all.

Yeah, it was a bit of the shock to the system when I started playing to find out dragon chain bodies were like 500k down from like 30 million gp

Good times as young me thinking people were gods because they had a d med helm haha