The min-maxing community is toxic

see this is the go-to bad player response. assume a person posting on an alt has no experience.


Doing the best you can possibly do shouldn’t be considered toxic.


The current system is bad for everyone no matter what bracket you’re in.


and then the go-to bad player response is making fun of my DH, so I link this guy as well.

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can you stop spamming my thread, boss?


Then why do the alts assume the player posting is bad? Works both ways, lol.

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Citation required.


You probably should stop posting in a public forum if you don’t want anyone else’s opinions that may or may not agree with you.


I mean I see 448 level, I see low gear and limited progression. If this is an alt of yours, thats okay too.

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Guy buys carries, the rules of content don’t apply to him because if he has trouble with anything he will throw gold at people who min max to get him through content


I mean this is the culture we have today, entitled/spoiled are the main two, but I’m sure plenty of people expect to have every piece of content cleared because they sub. If you don’t want a game with varying difficulties there are plenty of mobile games that I know of like candy crush, I would say runescape but learning to pvp may be too difficult in there.

One of my favorites is going to be red dead redemption and dark souls but I don’t recall if they had difficulties, I think dark souls system was different but what am I saying, if there’s an easy mode they probably would be like my brother and not be able to clear it anyway so I guess I have too high of expectations.

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It’s not, but this isn’t my original account.

The whole argument is pointless for a majority of people, who’re going to min/max whatever they chose to complete Heroics and +15 achievements. That’s why I say pick with what looks cool, don’t worry about a meta unless you’re pushing cutting edge content.

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Jesus Christ pvping in RuneScape now is a nightmare

I remember the days when someone would put up a protection prayer and you’d call them a weakling and not fight them

You’d just slap each other to death with whips and try to pull out the dds for a phat KO

Now it’s throwing down every combat style in the books and split second gear switches into prayer switches into AGS special attacks

Wild stuff

Also if people think RuneScape is easy I’d love to see them get an inferno cape

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I agree, I don’t play the meta/IT class as I enjoy my mediocre class and I’m more than fine being in a top 50-300 guild acquiring CE and the mount every tier with the exception of legion which was garbage with a couple exceptions.

No its not…


The high end content needs balanced around because it’s where class balance and what-not actually matters.

It doesn’t matter at all for casual gameplay so why balance around it?

I mean… Literally all specs are more than viable in a mythic +2. lol


I was a farmer in there mostly because I’d play during school lol and it was more entertaining although I had straight A’s and the teacher didn’t give a crap. Had like 85 mining at lvl 5 combat or w/e, made a few buddies and they got me into the dungeons or w/e and pvping but haven’t played for like a decade.

You may need to expand further on that and perhaps post on your main so I can get an idea of the content you participate in so we can see how your opinion has been formed


I don’t need to expand anything.
Your statement is wrong.



Should check out old school RuneScape now

It’s got some pretty insane amounts of content

Shocked at how that game can be so good for how basic it is