The min-maxing community is toxic

and your outlook is very toxic as well. Who are you to tell me what I find fun and who I should do content with? People like you is what destroys this community.

So, at least you admit to trolling, not that it wasn’t obvious… hahaha

Going about solutions is way to go personnaly.
Daily reset is a good one.
Being able to earn them in a way another.
Or just making the abilities switchable in some form, don’t have to include the soulbinds with abilities. Just giving the abilities, would be good enough for people that want to have fun.

No I enjoy a good discussion. I enjoy using the socratic method.

If people are given options, they will always try pick the best one. Like if I offered to give you $10, $50 or $100, which one would you pick? That’s the same thing when I open the group finder and see a 470, 475, and 480 ilvl player, or a 2k io, 2.5k io, and 3k io player. Why would you ever take a worse option?

People aren’t worried about not being able to minmax, they are worried about people trying to minmax excluding people from content they want to do because of their covenant choice, which is going to happen, like it always does.

That’s not going to happen.

Irrational fear is irrational.

edit: Or at least wont be common.

Yeah it totally didn’t happen in Classic… Or Mists… Or WoD… Or Legion… With the Legendary items in those expansions.

It won’t be as bad as presented as you wouldn’t necesserly want a full group with bis covenant, but there will be some cases where some covenant is needed and there is currently some covenants that are thrash tier.

You’re missing the point.

You are already not going to be invited because that person doesn’t want you in their group. Your covenant is a very VERY irrelevant aspect to that.

I’m pretty sure if your raider io score is 4k and you’re full mythic geared your covenant choice isn’t going to matter unless its for a very specific niche scenario. In which case, OH WELL.

But to assume you will always be denied groups based on your covenant choice is not going to happen. And its irrational to think as much.

Contrary to popular belief. The sky is NOT falling Leafbweeze.
You weren’t invited to the group because of more factors than one.

I don’t know dude. I’m pretty sure if someone whispers “Have lego ring?” and you say no, and they don’t invite you, that is probably the reason they didn’t invite you.

But sure. I’m definitely justifying my shortcomings instead of trying to make the game better for everyone.

There is always going to be some cases in which something is better at something. No matter what.
If its not covenants, its specs. If its not specs, its the classes entirely. If its not the classes, maybe its professions.
(Hey, they could make engineering bombs OP or something!)

I’ve seen people say in the GD that they wouldn’t invite people because of their name. Or their server.

And it doesn’t matter because its their group and they can do what they want.

Covenants used as an excuse to cry about not being invited to a group is just some weird fallacy.

Yes the question is, why should covenant do it when classes should be the focus point in my opinion for uniqueness power wise. Covenants in their way should be less powerful than racial, because that’s how important they are in the story.

And why should 3/4 of the new abilities my class is getting should require me to make another of that class? That isn’t fun. And the story too doesn’t support them being locked/exclusive from one another.

Why can’t blizzard add more uniqueness to the game?
Why does it only have to be classes?

Its like people that want racials to be taken away. That is something unique and makes different races of the same class different. And I personally LOVE that.

I’m all for Blizzard trying things that make the game less homogenized.
If it fails, it fails, and they #pulltheripcord.
But to not let them even give us a chance is silly.

We should focus on giving feedback so crappy covenant abilities like mirrors of torment don’t make it to live to begin with.

I’m not saying raids shouldn’t have a story, imagine doing all 8.3 content but the raid, not even LFR. Then suddenly you’re congratulated on ridding the world from the menace of the Old Gods next expansion, does that make sense?

LFR has always been promoted as the “tourist mode” for players who want to know the story but can’t or won’t put in the effort to play a higher difficulty, but it doesn’t take into account that those players won’t use even half of their abilities and won’t move or use addons to make the fight doable.
I have actually wiped more on LFRs than normal and heroic combined in the past.

If what you want is for WoW to be a niche game for only players who enjoy competitive and effort in their games, sorry but it won’t happen, and i’m not saying that because it’s what i’d like. If WoW ever became a niche game that requires absolute dedication to peak performance i’d simply abandon it, and no you shouldn’t care if i do or not, it’s my choice. But as it stands now i don’t want to leave, but i’d like to enjoy the one thing i play games for, the story…

Because that’s the wrong way to do it.
If they want more uniqueness then they should do more classes and add more unique abilities.
Not lock some part of my class kit behind a small rep that will stop to exist next expansion.
Gameplay first. That’s Blizzard motto. They should respect it.

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Yeeeeeeeeah, no.

Again, you people always saying “thats the wrong way!”

That’s not how arguing opinions work Zoumz.

I don’t think locking people more in their class kit is the way to go. You’re free to argue otherwise. I don’t feel covenant are worth the hassle.

Blizzard is not a small company trying to please a niche crowd. They’re developping a mmorpg, and since the start what people liked about mmorpg is how free they are in that game. Because it isn’t too much contrived.

The covenant systems are contrived, they’re something I would see a small company do in a rogue like.

I would argue that people would prefer way more dual-classing than covenants.

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I have yet to see it from you

I got declined for some groups. To the forums I go!

That doesn’t mean others don’t find it fun. You also should paint min/maxes with such a broad brush. I know many min/maxers who are great people and will help anyone.

I do have to ask though, do you like getting your BiS items? If you do, you can thank mom/maxers cause without them no one would know what BiS is.