You really have no idea what I even just said. Not being dragged into anything with you because it’s a complete waste of time.
I can only hope that Blizzard is able to see what others have been saying, about why and how this current iteration of the covenants system affects such a wide variety of people.
Not related to what i was saying but, in my case it’s not about the time it takes to do the content itself, it’s the time and repetitiveness (i think that’s a word? XD) of the preparation one has to do in order to be “eligible” by other players to do that content.
I honestly would not care at all if raiding had only mythic difficulty if it was not integral part of the storyline of the game. LFR is not a solution because of the simple reason it’s worse than stabbing my eyes with rusty nails.
Is not even about min-maxing, I just think is more fun to be able to swap and play with different abilities without being punished for it. We get so few spells now, that being able to only use 1 out of 4 seems like a waste more than anything else.
If people would just be honest like you about what they actually want! Maybe I wouldn’t go out of my way to argue with them.
Its the people who try and say this is going to break the game that are very confused individuals.
I don’t personally think it would be more fun to constantly swap convenants because they do change up gameplay way too much. Some would have to be reworked like talents to have passives and what not.
But I can see wanting to just play everything. I can’t imagine how exhausting that would get though if you played multiple forms of content.
I see raiding in wow as their jewel. Without raiding wow would be much like any mmos. And so having story that finish in these is often a way to show the power and the intensity of the boss story. Some people have critized some major boss being in dungeons because that wasn’t what those boss should have earned.
I also dont think it will break the game or anything, but I would like if they go for a 1 per day reset, so people that pvp or m+ can swap after they are done raiding for example. That way they are not like talents that you change per fight, but more of a major change.
Wait, what is this in response to? Something must have happened that spurred you to this. Were you rejected from a group for some reason? Are you just responding to the sudden increase of “omg if you don’t have X covenant you’ll be declined!!111”?
I’m curious where your 80% number comes from too. Majority or minority is irrelevant – all games like this have varying degrees of min-maxing. Do you pick a talent because it increases your damage or one that maximizes your movement? Well, regardless of your choice, guess what, you just min-maxed too. We all do it.
I’m glad that you will not actively exclude people for not min-maxing the way you min-max.
I guess I’m just not sure what this is supposed to be retaliation for. The game has been pretty consistent about allowed players to more or less do what they want if they consider that content fun. If you wanna run Mythic + 1-9, sure, you can do that with the available gear. If you want to do LFR all day long, sure, gear is ample for that too.
What’s odd is this like “intends to exclude” mentality, as if there is some malicious intent out there. I’d argue that you’re conflating the desire to run content at its most efficient and statistically likely way to succeed and the desire to see people’s feelings by deliberately declining them for their choices. People have been declined from groups back in the MC days simply because they didn’t have 5 extra points of fire resist gear. Was the raid leader being malicious? No. They just wanted to make sure no one gets one shot by particular mechanics. But it’s a form of min maxing so… evil raid leader I guess?
The two aren’t the same thing. If someone running even a MYTHIC ZERO wants to have a DK who is Unholy instead of Frost (this has happened to me) because they believe the UH dk is more likely to do higher damage, then so be it. That’s their choice. I have no obligation to be a part of their team.
Maybe I’m just being overly optimistic about the general playerbase; I just don’t think people are sitting there going, “Oh… only 20% crit instead of 22%? DECLINED LOLZ DECLINED!!”
Right now, if they would release covenant they would be broken. They will probably balance them to a decent level but I wouldn’t be too hopeful as some just have straight better utility.
I’m expecting the first patch to be nearly as much a clown fiesta as 8.3. You have to think that there is gonna be all new systems bombarded at the same time. Not just covenant abilities.
I’m afraid to explain it… because my words have already been twisted a lot in this thread.
I believe the best way i can put it is:
The system is not wrong, but players abuse the system and that IS wrong.
Again, if people want to “filter” players for their group and only bring the “creme dela creme” to their normal pug, fine. But don’t act like that’s a healthy thing to do in what’s supposed to be a medium for entertainment, not ONLY competitiveness.
I don’t have a solution, i’m not claiming something should be done, i just say how it is, and have simply removed myself from that system. I’m not the OP, i just chimed in with my opinion.