The min-maxing community is toxic

Maybe you don’t understand how it works then.

Yes because there’s other players in the game, even if you don’t vanquish that foe other players have.

LFR is easy, sure some boss fights are harder than others. But generally it isn’t harder. Some people just refuse to do the simple mechanics like on Nzoth.

So it comes back to the reason why we filter people out, not necesserly because bosses wouldn’t die. But someone that min/max I can count on him normally to know the boss fight and plays his class because he already looked how to min/max.

It’s not really that.
Most players can do LFR, I think in cata 75%+ of players did LFR or higher.
But some content yes cater to a different crowd.
Like I wouldn’t expect them to remove battle pets just because most people don’t do it.
And there’s something obvious with mmorpg, they are time consuming and requires time to clear content.

Its really not their class kit though…?
I think that’s where many of you are getting confused.

This is a “borrowed power” system. You pick what you want to inherit apart of your class. Thats the fantasy behind it.

Just because there are different abilities per class per covenant you pick doesn’t mean it is part of their class kit.

Its basically a racial on a larger scale. Sounds fun to me.

Don’t get me wrong. I main a mage and I think all 4 covenant abilities are garbage. And im trying to be as vocal about it as possible in hopes they get changed. Because that is more worth my time than simply crossing my arms and pouting for the whole system to just be changed.

You are extremely freeeeeee in Shadowlands.

You can freely change your spec, your talents, your gear, your legendaries, your conduits, your soulbinds, your professions, and other things.

One thing that is locked like your race/class is not the end of the world.
And adds diversity honestly.

But that’s not what i’m saying.

Of course one would pick the best option, that’s not the experience i’m talking about.
If a pug leader sees a 430, a 450 and a 475 queue for their normal raid, of course they’ll pick the 475, even i would do that. But want to know what really happens?
“Leaders” see a 440, 450 and 475 in the queue, and will pick the 475 and decline both 440 and 450 even though there were 3 spots remaining, and will wait for another 30 + or - minutes until another at least 460 queues, and also they all have to be the correct class.
Does a normal raid needs that? i don’t think so, but because they see top end players doing that they think it is the norm and won’t accept anything less, even if the content is perfectly doable otherwise.

I hope this clarifies what i’m talking about, it’s ok to take a hobby seriously, but criticizing others who just want to have fun when the content they want to do doesn’t need that level of performance is a reality.

Make your own group then. No one is stopping you from doing that. Why do people always whine and complain about people “excluding” others in “THEIR” group they are making? If people want to use achievements, raider io, the armory to see their ilvl, etc. so be it. It is THEIR group.

How do you know you are being excluded? If you were making a group and you see a lock with ilvl 470+ and a Mage with 445 ilvl in the queue who would you take?

Either join an active guild who does things you are looking for, make new friends and form your own group together or form your own where you can pick who you want to join.

Sounds about right.

To be fair, I’m in a really solid Mythic guild on my main (DK), so most of my griping is with people who I used to help more that didn’t move up, and I did, who then complain/find excuses.

I don’t think I’ve queued for a single normal raid at 450 and not gotten invited unless it was literally the last boss, or the spot was going to be filled by a friend of the RL that wasn’t in yet.

You paint this as being an everyday experience we all suffer from, but it really isn’t.

It’s not because it’s a borrowed power system that it’s not a class ability.
Legion artifacts will prove you wrongs.
They were so much class abilities that they kept some of them for the classes in BFA, either in talents or baseline.

But there’s no lore that support it vs racials.
It’s contrived systems for the hell of having a contrived systems.
It’s a terrible system.

Legendaries, nope you will need to craft them one by one.
Conduits are Freaking weekly locked.
Soulbinds, are personnaly just a bunch of boring passives.
Professions are still totally boring, they added the possibility to customize stats! WOOHOO now I can just waste less time and gold, they are not better.

Yes it’s much better to paywall race, class and faction.
Seriously, you can pay to change your race, pay to boost your class or pay to change your faction.
Personnaly I would remove all of that cost, that barrier is only there to make money to Blizzard.
As those systems are created so they can release a magical way to unlock covenants later on to make people come back and grind some more.
Call it cynism, I’ve seen this happen too many times in wow only.

I guess it’s hard for me to make myself clear and understandable…

Sorry… well, enjoy.

The issue you don’t seem to be understanding is that Covenant abilities are not and very likely will not be balanced well. Ergo, for people who enjoy maximizing performance, they’ll either give up performance for theme, or accept a theme they don’t like for an ability.

Not to mention the host of issues potentially presented by certain Covenants being wildly better than others for certain content.

Soulbinds and Conduits are as far as Covenant-locked player power should’ve gone.

I understand some players want more solo content, and you will have some with Thorgast. Just not all of the game should cater to the solo crowd.

The game since Legion imo has had so much more solo content with wqs/legion tower/visions and soon Thorgast, it’s a good thing. Just should let some specific pieces of content that target more groups be group content.

Well. This isn’t a discussion on how to improve the system anymore like you stated at the start.
Its now just boiled down to: “I don’t like it. Its terrible. Change it.”

So imma stop you right there.

I hate when you people quote me all “DA ISSUE YOU DONT UNDASTAND.”

I understand everything perfectly.
You don’t seem to understand that.

I’m explaining what I don’t like :confused: and why.
I already said what solutions I was ready to live with.
But the reasoning defending covenants lock for me is not defendable.
It’s just a contrived systems for the sake of being contrived.
The uniqueness it adds could exist without the powers being locked and would make more sense with the current lore in Shadowlands.

You’re the one acting like it doesn’t matter. Covenant abilities will not matter to the average player, but they will matter to players who legitimately enjoy maximizing performance.

So either you’re ignorant of the ramifications, or you’re happy to see someone who plays differently from you slighted.

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I envy you.

No, it’s not an every day experience, it just happens at the precise times i have to play the game and look for groups. I have formed part in several guild groups, but unfortunately i couldn’t keep up with the raid times because i can’t stay up too late or i’ll be late for work the next day, or will become sleep-deprived.

I’m actually tired right now, because i can’t seem to make others understand what i’m trying to say.
If players want to filter queues for the best options to increase the probability of success, fine, but then they argue that they can’t find players, and that’s the problem.
Since were comparing to a job, it’s like only accepting engineers for a middle class position and then complaining why so few competent people present for the position.

No. We are happy to see some form of choice mattering outside of class selection. This game has moved way too far from the RPG it once was toward a FPS or action game in terms of loadouts.

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You’re playing a Prot Paladin. The least desirable and non-meta tank like 90% of this expansion. Clearly you don’t care about maximizing anything either…

“inb4 dis is my alt.”

The “ramifications” are irrelevant to me. This is a video game. There are no “ramifications” to me.

And that’s a completely hypocritical statement. I’m not “happy” to see someone who plays differently then me “unhappy.” But them wanting the game changed for themselves at MY ENJOYMENT is an issue to me.

Just because you, like everyone else who argues for this to be changed, can’t seem to comprehend why someone would actually like having non-homogenized class uniqueness added to the game…doesn’t mean that we should conform to what YOU like. That’s just crazy talk. Kinda like that group of people that tried to eradicate all Jewish people…


Again, you’re not understanding what i’m talking about.

Classic basicly proves that it’s people that have changed mostly, not the game.
All problems that people felt before, people found solutions.
Gold is easy to get on Classic, AQ opening was rushed so fast, raids are speed cleared.
You can’t ask people basicly to become ignorant again.

I do not need them to be ignorant again. I just need selections to be harder to change like the original talents, more stats, healing and dps gear being different, etc etc. Less loadouts and more ‘locked’ choices.