You disagree with all of that. xd Don’t try to make it sound like you don’t. Treating people of toxic because they won’t take you in their groups.
People might not like logic and reality and prefer to deny it. That’s fine but we’re not toxic for telling you all of that and doing what we do.
What you think basicly is that group priorities should be second to your personnal needs. I don’t think that. A sucessfull group shouldn’t prioritize the individual needs over the group needs.
Amazing, every single sentence in that post, was wrong…
It just looks like you’re trying too hard to make me look bad.
I live by logic,
Everyone can play how they want,
You’re not toxic for doing what you do, you are for thinking it is normal,
And i never have and never will be ok with putting my needs before that of the group, wich i’m sorry to say you do. Of course you won’t realize this and claim i’m wrong, and i don’t care.
So, in the words of the great Alucard… ch-ch-ch-check your privileges!!!..
Asking for someone cv when trying to recruit him isn’t toxic. If you think it is, you really have bad values.
So you can keep rambling how on people are toxic at this point. At the end, even if it’s toxic for you it’s not gonna change and it’s accepted in any societies. So have fun fighting a losing war.
After all of the discussions on this topic, I am surprised (although, I suppose I shouldn’t be) at how you, and others like you, have no idea why you’re wrong and just how wrong you are.
You see, there are multiple layers, many different angles to the covenant problem, and detaching abilities from covenants while keep lore and cosmetics locked behind them addresses — solves — all of these issues.
And the people complaining against this freedom for players to play as they choose conveniently ignore the entire picture, the whole story, not to mention have arguments that contradict one another. I’m also convinced that they (you) have no idea what you’re talking about, or are taking a hard stance to punish people for a reason that is beyond my comprehension because it can only be viewed as selfish.
And just so you know, I’m not arguing this. I’m just explaining why I’m right. And why you’re wrong. Period.
MMorpg are made to be job-like yes. They try to immulate a world, and what is closer than a job than basicly work?
You didn’t know of this? Questing is working for someone else.
Professions well you know are jobs.
Adventurers and doing stuff is a work.
Being a gladiator the same.
It is normal for a party to check your credentials, I mean they don’t want to die (rp like)/fail right?
You said he’s wrong. But you’re the one who’s wrong, and somehow, you not wanting to elaborate and just say that he’s wrong is enough and acceptable for you. Hypocritical.
You can have competitive hobbies. I play competitive golf as a hobby and a lot of tournaments require you to send a golf resume in order to be considered.
As do I. I love well done casual content, and even Warfronts kept me captivated for weeks.
… But I don’t just accept any kind of ‘content’ presented to me. I like having a challenge, things like the Brawlers Guild and Mage Tower present a perfect solo, casual challenge, yet seen like a minor priority to Blizzard compared to Raids.
… So I turn to M+, because that’s the closest thing the game can really provide me to small / solo group, challenging content.
Nope. You’re wrong. And hypocritical. Can’t even be bothered to talk to someone like you, especially over such an important issue like abilities being locked behind covenants.
You can’t — or refuse — to see logic and reason. Make an effort if you want to actually contribute to this discussion. As it stands, you’re not providing anything useful to this discussion. Just calling people clowns and refusing to elaborate on your “views.”
Yes, i know that, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s not the point here.
I’m not saying a fresh capped alt with 410 ilvl should be invited even to a heroic raid.
That’s the thing though you only need 30-45 minutes to do a 15, so it’s not that you lack enough time it’s you lack effort or are just lazy, I don’t know which but I don’t care either what you do with your time. I was working 60-70 hour shifts and still had time to mythic raid but I chose not to because the current tier was garbage and it wasn’t worth it in the end to me. Not having enough time hasn’t been a good excuse since vanilla and with how uninformed everyone was, but classic shows us how information/experience can change that, full tiers are cleared within hours of it being released which is why classic is a terrible game and boring in everything other than maybe pvp, it’s just facerolled and forgotten in 1/10th of the time it originally took in vanilla.
I mean nothing will make you happy at this point right?
I’ve been quoted more than enough.
I have over 7k posts on the forums, I’m basicly the resident fact checker.
You can hate me and deny the truth, but I have a lot of energy and time to go xd
So try to have fun atleast right?