Yes. Sometimes I would be told that i shouldn’t be debating on the games content because I don’t do mythic+. People need to understand that not everyone can run a mythic raid or mythic dungeon. Not because the lack of the games skills, I’ve been playing since cataclysm and I assure you I don’t lack anything. It’s that we don’t have a lot of time in our hand. Either we have families to take care of or work to support our lives.
They can run their content and that’s fine I don’t care but acting like they own the game and they’re the player base is just bad look on WoW. I liked the idea they introduced Mythic but now I’m starting to see it might’ve been a bad idea for this player base.
Blizzard is not building content around min-maxers, their design decisions are proof of that .Every tournament does not show balance or equal representation of classes clearly indicating a marketing ploy to get more ppl hooked.
Getting high on anything is bad even if they enjoy it . There is no point talking about it and stirring the pot .
Normally I think it’s great, you can study the top guys and learn things to improve your game, no matter what level.
But THIS patch it didn’t work. The top end went with 100% versatility builds just to try to survive the +31 keys, teaching nobody lower anything of value whatsoever.
Personnaly I don’t pug I mostly play with friends or my guild to give some context. And if I pug I’ll probably make some people uncomfortable how much I will ask of people (I have asked for heroic raids for 90%+ rankings for pugs), but it also depends of what content I do (and some people have difficulty to tell what should be appropriate for what content).
What people need to understand is that the majority of people don’t want to fail content, want to be efficient with the little amount of time they can put in. It’s not about being a wannabe elitist, not even about mainly min/maxing. Min/maxing is just a way to attain that kind of goal. There’s also more fun to be playing with likely minded players or like some others would say in another way “I don’t want to carry people”. It’s also just more easy to lead and have a good group atmosphere when everyone is of the same mindset.
Allowing flexibility, detaching abilities from covenants wouldn’t affect you AT ALL.
The way covenants are right now hurts more than just the people who want to be as efficient as possible. What people have been fighting for would allow more people to play how they want. That cannot possibility be a bad thing. Making more people happy cannot be a bad thing. You cannot convince me otherwise.
That’s fine. People can do whatever they want. It’s not my say that you can’t run dungeons or any of that. But when they try to act as if they own this game for running mythic that’s when things like this happen.
And pray tell where did i disagree with that? It looks to me you twisted what i said in a way to criticize me on something that i never took a posture in the first place.
If you want to make pugs and ask for ridiculous requisites in order to succeed because you don’t want to lose time dealing with subpar players, fine by me. Just don’t drag me into your mess of toxicity because not everyone who doesn’t have AotC wants a carry and can’t perform well enough to complete the content.
I didn’t say to change your mentality on how to approach pugs, but even if you try to convince yourself otherwise that is a toxic mentality for what’s supposed to be a social game.
It may surprise you, but others may have a different opinion than yours and still be right in their own way. That’s why you’re toxic.
You hit the nail right on the head. Anyone who argues otherwise has no clue what they’re talking about. Locking people out of this flexibility for covenant abilities can only be seen as selfish. OP has no leg to stand on.
I think that might be a deformation of their point of view. People pushing content most often know more about content and “how to play the game” and have much more experience. It’s why they get invited more to the beta.
You know, I used to not care if blizzard changes the covenant system or not.
But I still never wanted it changed since no one could give me a good reason as to why other than “I WANT TO SWITCH MY TALENTS EVERY FIGHT.”
BUT deep down, I now seriously hope they don’t ever change it. Simply in spite of all the people who classify themselves as “min/maxers.” Yet are playing non-meta classes/races/specs.