Mythic +15 isn’t hard.
And doesn’t require any min/maxing
Mythic +15 isn’t hard.
And doesn’t require any min/maxing
BTW if some are interested
This is the current list for covenants
No there’s no monks in there
Demon Hunter - Venthyr
Death Knight - Night Fae
Druid - Night Fae
Hunter - Necro/Kyrian
Mage - Kyrian/Necro (for Arcane only)
Paladin - Night Fae
Priest - Kyrian
Shaman - Kyrian
Rogue - Necro
Warlock - Necro
Warrior - Kyrian/Venthyr
Luckily the one I planned to pick because I felt it best went with priest is the good one. How many others lucked out?
In GD, “min/maxing” just means doing literally anything to improve performance that isn’t just equipping higher-ilvl gear. If you know what your secondary stats do, or use pots/runes, you’re a min-maxer around these parts.
Already tried, for some it may be easy but personally i hate it.
I don’t like to judge people and when i did start or lead my own groups the worst of me usually comes out and the experience ruins itself. So, no, not everyone can start their own groups.
If it is not a success then they’re not in the same case as me am i wrong?
There’s a difference in wiping some times while learning a fight and slamming against a wall hoping it will break some day, the latter usually happens when i form a group.
Yes so basicly you’re an anti-leader.
Yes because basicly there’s better groups out there that will kill it. Group leaders are actually also competitioning agaisn’t each others. If your group is wiping too much, it’s also a show of your leader skills.
Ok, wtf?
Am i the bad guy here? If i understand correctly i’m not allowed to experience core story progression because i don’t put time and effort to leading a group?
Suddenly i learn i’m “anti-leader” and with “poor leading skills” because f*** me that i don’t like leading groups amirite?
Ok, give me the possibility to solo a current raid in it’s easier difficulty and you can have your systems and leading skills and whatever, and shove them up…
I swear there’s always some stupid little a** that believes he has all the answers.
Ohh yeah, and f*** me for not wanting to deal with Blessing of Seasons too btw it seems…
Yes basicly it seems a git gud problem. You don’t want to put the time or efforts in the game that other people are ready to.
You can do LFR if you don’t like people judging you or leading people. That’s your solution.
What are the points of this argument, and who is making it?
I know, right? I mean… I keep trying to heal mythics as a Prot Warrior… but no groups are down for that.
Then don’t. Just don’t ask others to cater to you.
Can you link anything that supports this? I haven’t seen anything where the min/maxers of the game are requesting content to be catered to them - in fact, that content already exists. It’s called Mythic raiding, PvP, and high M+ keys.
If you’re not the min/maxing type - why would you want to play with those people anyways? Them excluding you is doing you a favor and keeping 2 different play-styles independent of one another.
Again - can you link something that supports them thinking/stating that they’re the majority?
Then I don’t see why there’s a problem that would need debating.
Min-maxers have existed since vanilla - so if you’ve never felt you’ve needed to min/max in order to have fun, then nothing needs to be fixed?
You wanna know something crazy? I used to see this stuff all the time until i transferred to horde
Ok, f*** you…
Sharing personal experiences and points of view in General Discussion, what the hell was i thinking, this community is even more toxic than LoL and CoD combined.
Enjoy your s***ty game.
Have a nice day!
But it’s funny that we are the toxic ones.
I wanna play at capcom cup tournament but I lack so much skill and frame data knowledge >:( STUPID GUYS WHO BEEN PLAYIN FOR 10+ years that play 5-9 hours!!! >;( gatekeepers!!!
Pick one…
Sometimes exclusion of others has nothing to do with min/maxing. Balance can be so far off in some cases even to the point where any fool can see the better options. A good example would be holy paladins in the final tier of Wrath. You took one holy paladin to heal both your tanks in raids. If you needed tank heals you excluded other healers. If you needed raid healers you excluded paladins. And the benefits were well beyond 2-5%. So what type of imbalance are we talking about here?
Btw, true elites are not the real problem. The real problem comes from the wannabe elites who demand others min/max in content where that style of play makes little, or no, difference.
Yes you are, because othewise i wouldn’t react like that
Think about this for a second.
He didn’t say anything toxic. I mean you’re the one going off on a profanity laced tirade like a real fruitcup.