The min-maxing community is toxic

the thought that people wont min/max in SL is laughable, they will min max and now it will actually be harder for more casuals to get into harder content. people really dont know what their asking with these convenats

69% of statistics used on the wow forums are not true. 420 experts agree on it.


No expert would begin his sentence with a number! :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re not wrong though. It’s just odd when I see it, then I see people quoting their fake statistic and going on about how they’re right then liking their posts with their own alts.

Is it toxic for ANY reason beyond the outcry against a feature you’re excited for?

Any sort of unwillingness to accept whatever blizzard throws on the plate is automatically interpreted as toxicity.

Blizzard’s changing stuff ergo it must be good, they design the game right? :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


It is also peculiar because Symptom played a +15 (in his profile). I have zero issues with it. Perhaps the 15 was to see what it’s like and thus his mindset was crystalized?

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Probably more like wanting to stir up the forums by beating a dead horse of a topic.

So you’re posting on the forum to show how much more fun it is to you to be toxic?

That’s always a fun statement. I often see people (I’ve seen some of them in this very thread) who will agree with it when it fits their own narrative but will disagree when they spot something they don’t like.

We usually don’t have anything to hide.

That is one way people interpret toxicity but there are many more. If you exclude someone EVER a large group of people will call you toxic. If you do not support X issue you are toxic. If you support X issue you are toxic. See the trend here? Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Basically this community says agree with me or you are toxic. Ridiculous.


I wish they would balance me in other ways. If I get a 25% dps minus, could I at least get that balanced out with a 25% cooldown reduction on my kick. Then I’m actually useful in another way that’s not dps but still something raids and teams will want to include me for.

All I’m going to say is that there is a reason many Theorycrafters, and high end raiders receive alpha and beta access before the vast majority of the community. Because our feedback is actually useful.


Yah they 100% didn’t just buy a +15 boost and were able, on their pure dps class with 450ilevel, to pus ha key from the 5s they were doing straight up to 15.

It’s for sure not that one lol


This statement is extremely toxic (hard agree tho)

Another Emerald Dreamer! And yeah, I assumed it was a bought run - which I have zero issues with (if I were to be audacious and insinuate my opinion on such a thing mattered in the first place). I was more interested in why they ran the 15 at all.

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Based on their logic i could for sure see “Well i wanted to prove how toxic those players were so i spent 250k gold to buy a plus 15 and recorded it. But the recording corrupted (and not because they were all really friendly)”

There are elite players, and then there are elitist jerks.

An elite player will decline someone from their group who is not a good fit. The elitist jerk will then contact that player and tell them to uninstall the game and kys. And run to the forums whining that the player they said this to insulted them back.


Imagine thinking 2% isn’t huge

Especially if it’s 2% per player in a group of 20. Small numbers add up.

I think it’s safe to assume that Symptom won’t be coming back to their own threads at this point.