The min-maxing community is toxic

Imagine gloating about being the lowest common denominator.

If you have so much fun being bad at the game, why do you want in on the groups of the elite players anyways? Go have fun being bad somewhere else.


Everyone is shouting past each other while riding the circular-logic train.

I mean I’m sure it’s going in one ear and out the other, the same logical arguments have been said over and over but I doubt they’d understand it or change their view, this is why OP and this post was a waste of time from the start I knew this but it was hell of a entertaining experience. I got to experience what ben shapiro and those like him experience at all of his talks. Basically get an opinion shouted at you and when you bring logic or even an opposing opinion into it they try and ignore you and or leave. It’s funny af.

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Until you bring Andrew Neil into it :slight_smile:

Why can’t people just play the game the way they want to as long as Blizzard allows for it, without worrying about how the next person plays the game? Sometime you don’t need to be better than the Jones.

Clearly the only solution is to delete LFR.

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But then how would you see the content Sabbia?



You realize just how stupid this comment makes you look right?

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Maybe if people would just show the content and not 1) play bad music or 2) try to commentate very poorly.

I personally just want covenants to not be tied to player power. It won’t affect me nearly as much as it would someone who only plays for an hour or two a week. Freedom to swap between covenants allows for everyone to experience the entirety of the expansion. I don’t know about a lot of you but I don’t see many people leveling characters up to 60 and grinding out reknown rep on multiple characters to figure out the storyline. All that aside from the power creep of covenant abilities in combination with whatever class and spec you’d want to play.

Would those things be inherently balanced if freedom is given? No, no it wouldn’t. Would it be easier to balance not only 1% content but all content if that were to happen? Yes it would.

Why? Because instead of balancing for what 11 classes + and average of 3 specs per class times 4 possible convenient choices. Into multiple areas of the game. They could balance around people going, “ oh they chose this because of this reason and it seems to be an overwhelming majority that did it” let’s look into why it’s that way and see if we can balance the others to offset that majority weight. Or “oh so something like that worked, that’s helpful information we might be able to build upon that later on this expansion or use part of that system for next expansion.

But then we have people like Symptom. Who only see the discussion going on right now and go… I WANT THIS BECAUSE I DEEM IT MY FUN AND IF IT ISNT MY FUN ITS WRONG. Which by the way is called having a temper tantrum :smiley:

Edited: spelled OP name wrong.

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I am curious about this, too. It seems completely nonsensical. I can appreciate the frustration but, this argument doesn’t seem cogent.

Can we stop using the term “min/maxers” to describe a group of people? Everybody min maxes to a certain degree. If you use a mount to get somewhere you are min maxing, if you go after and acquire better gear you are min maxing, if you try to choose your best stats or talents you are min maxing, etc.


where did you get the stat that over 80% don’t touch mythic +15 and above or mythic raiding? I’m betting you just pulled it out of thin air, and have no sources to back it up.

my guild is hardly cutting edge, and most of us are pretty casual. some of our higher players are pushing into M18s and up, though its getting harder to get decent groups, what with more players taking a break before the new expansion releases.

and also, some people who actually played the beta, are saying that some of the covenant abilities are far more than just a 2-5% difference, though i’d need to see it myself to confirm it.

also, the game caters mostly to us casuals. its gotten easier over the years. you and I likely would not have survived past level 20 back in vanilla, since just leveling back then was a slog. (try playing classic some time. i did, but i think my mage reached level 11 before i stopped playing.)

also, if some one ques up for your key, and you can see they are basically set up for failure with their talents and what not, are you really going to let them join your group? I wouldn’t. here’s why: if they can’t even be bothered to look up what their talents should be, then they likely aren’t going to give a damn about looking up the mechanics of the fights in said dungeon, and will likely cause you to wipe and burn your key, unless you have people in the group who can make up for their lack of caring, but in some cases thats not possible. some fights, one mishap will wipe the whole group. the people who won’t take the time to do the proper set up for their spec or look up the fights expect the rest to carry them.

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I will exclude you if you have the wrong class and covenant. You guys wanted choice to matter well guess what it matters big time now. I shall enjoy my season one KSM mount. Min-maxing doesint affect you if you don’t play at the level of content which it does


It doesn’t matter , me and a lot of people care about improving our gameplay , if you don’t that’s fine but don’t expect others to catter to your expectations

All you glorious glorious people who actually use some logical side of your brain called common sense. I applaud you, now LETS PULL THAT RIPCORD :smiley: lol I need sleep


This thread has both destroyed, and bolstered my faith in this community. Covenants locking power behind a choice like this is bad.


Some of us just want to optimize out character as much as possible and don’t need to be guilted by our raid to do it.

Probably just a guess. I see people using false statistics on here all the time to validate their argument.